• Astilbe chinensis Black Pearls 3L pot

    Upright feathery plumes of mauve-purple flowers. Astilbe 'Black Pearls' is a late flowering variety with sturdy upright stems that make unusual cut flowers. The bright blooms contrast beautifully with its exceptionally dark green foliage, which forms a dense and leafy clump. This showy perennial enjoys a reliably moist soil, making a good choice for damp borders or planted next to a pond.

  • Astilbe Glut (Glow) 3L pot

    Carefree, easy plants bothered by few pests, Astilbe make a superb addition to semi-shade areas of the garden. They will tolerate full sun if kept properly moist. Mid to late season flowering stile has long, narrow, glowing red plumes with bronze foliage.

  • Astilbe Red Sentinel 3L pot

    Vigorous perennial with handsome dark green foliage. Plumes of deep crimson-red flowers. Height 1m. Spread 50cm. Flowers from July to August. Herbaceous. Hardy.

  • Astilbe Rheinland 3L pot

    Compact variety, bearing dark green/bronze leaves and masses of light pink flowers. It's perfect for growing towards the front of shady borders with other shade and moisture loving plants such as hostas and primulas.

  • Astilbe Short 'n Sweet Whiteberry 3L pot

    A compact white astilbe with dense white plumes in summer. Ideal for small gardens.

  • Astilbe x arendsii Amethyst 3L pot

    Clump-forming perennial with handsome green foliage Open plumes of lilac-pink flowers. Height 90cm. Spread 60cm. Flowers from July to August. Herbaceous. Hardy.

  • Astilbe x arendsii Astary Rose Red Shades 3L pot

    Clump-forming perennial with handsome green foliage. Open plumes of bright pink flowers. Height 90cm. Spread 60cm. Flowers from July to August. Herbaceous.

  • Astilbe x arendsii Burgundy Red 3L pot

    Clump-forming perennial with handsome green foliage. Long lasting plumes of deep red flowers heads during summer. Flower-heads turn brown and remain on the plants into the autumn. Ideal for soils that remain moist all summer.

  • Astilbe x arendsii Colour Flash 3L pot

    Soft pink flower spikes. Leave change to light green in summer. Red edged foliage. Vigorous and floriferous plant.

  • Astilbe x arendsii Drum and Base 3L pot

    A dense carpet of fern like foliage surrounding handsome feathery plumes of bright pink flowers. This vigorous performer is a compact, semi-dwarf variety that is very hardy and pest resistant.

  • Astilbe x arendsii Look at Me 3L pot

    Light pink flower plumes borne on red stems during the summer. Faded flower-heads turn brown and remain on the plants into the autumn.

  • Astilbe Younique Ruby Red 3L pot

    Early season bloomer; very compact foliage with upright ruby-red plumes, very floriferous; blooms early summer.

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Our Opening Times

Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm

Sat & Sun 9:00am - 5:00pm

Any questions? Email us or give us a call on 01904 400092.