• Acacia baileyana

    Cootamundra Wattle. Golden Mimosa. A small. spreading tree with green, leaves. Long racemes of fragrant yellow flowerheads in late winter. Height 6m. Spread 4m. Flowers from February to March. Evergreen. Sheltered site required.

  • Acacia dealbata

    Silver wattle. Mimosa. An open evergreen tree with fern-like, glaucous to silvery hairy leaves. Long racemes of round, fragrant yellow flowerheads. Height 15-30m. Spread 6-9m. Flowers from November to April. Evergreen. Protect from frost. Sheltered Site.

  • Acer campestre

    Field maple. A British native medium sized tree with green leaves that turn yellow in Autumn. Height 15m. Spread 8m. Deciduous.

  • Acer cappadocicum Rubrum

    An attractive medium sized tree with dark red leaves on red stems. Height 15m. Spread 10m. Hardy.

  • Acer conspicuum Red Flamingo

    A tree or large shrub with arching branches and attractive red and white-streaked bark. The young red leaves turn to mid-green leaves with variegated edges then turn orange and yellow in autumn with pink and red fruits. Bears pendent racemes of pale yellow flowers.

  • Acer griseum

    Perhaps the most beautiful small garden tree. Snake Bark or paper-bark maple. A spreading tree with peeling, orange-brown bark. The green leaves turn orange to red in autumn with yellow pendent flowers. Height 6m. Spread 3m. Deciduous.

  • Acer platanoides Crimson King

    Crimson King is a vigorous medium-sized deciduous tree. Leaves large, 5-lobed, deep purplish-crimson all Summer. Flowers reddish-orange, in clusters on leafless branches

  • Acer platanoides Crimson Sentry

    A beautiful feature tree, this Purple Norway Maple has dark crimson foliage which covers the upright branches. This columnar tree is ideal for small gardens as it will grow to just 6 x 2 metres in 20 years. Ideal for tough positions.

  • Acer pseudoplatanus Brilliantissimum

    Sycamore. Yellow-green pendent flowers followed by red winged fruit. Height 30m. Spread 25m. Deciduous. Hardy. Planting instructions Back-fill with soil mixed with peat and a suitable fertiliser.

  • Acer pseudoplatanus Simon Louis Freres

    The leaves are pink turning green speckled with white in Summer. Height 7m. Spread 4m. Deciduous. Hardy. Planting instructions Back-fill with soil mixed with peat and a suitable fertiliser.

  • Acer rubrum October Glory

    Red maple. An upright large tree with glossy dark green leaves turning red in autumn. In spring the bare branches have small red flowers. Height 20m. Spread 10m. Deciduous. Hardy.

  • Acer x freemanii Jeffersred

    Deciduous. A beautiful tree that will reach a height of 12m plus, grown mainly for its striking rich red autumn colour. A reliable Acer which performs well on UK soils. Quick growing and stunning autumn colour.

  • Aesculus hippocastanum Baumannii

    Buckeye. Horse chestnut. A deciduous tree with mid-green leaves. Bears double white flowers with yellow marks. Height 25m. Spread 20m. Flowers from May to June. Fruits from July to September. Deciduous. Hardy. Harmful if eaten.

  • Alnus rubra

    Oregon Alder. Red Alder. A tall fast growing conical tree with red-veined, glossy, dark green leaves. Clusters of yellow catkins. A narrowly conical tree with yellow leaves, pale green in summer. Likes moist soils. Pendent yellow-brown male catkins open before the leaves on orange stems. Height 25m. Spread 10m.

  • Amelanchier alnifolia Northline

    This tree is deciduous so it will lose all its leaves in autumn, then fresh new foliage appears again each spring. Position: full sun Soil: fertile, moist but well-drained acidic soil. Rate of growth: average. Flowering period: March to April. Hardiness: fully hardy. This suckering shrub is primarily grown for its generous crop of sweet fruit.

  • Amelanchier alnifolia Smokey

    A medium to large bushy, suckering, deciduous upright shrub or small branching multi-stemmed tree, this cultivar is grown primarily for its impressive display of large, edible and sweet, smokey blue-black fruit. Bronze-tinged young leaves that are oval or circular in shape turn mid-to dark-green in summer, and then orange, red and pink-purple in autumn. Clusters of self-fertile five-petalled white flowers emerge in spring about 2-3cm across as the young leaves unfurl and expand. The fruits are enjoyed by wildlife and can be made into jams and pies.

  • Amelanchier arborea Robin Hill

    An excellent small tree which is perfect for smaller gardens and places with restricted space. This is one of the only small trees with both spring flowers and autumn colour. Buds and new flowers appear as pink before turning white. By August, the flowers ripen into edible small red berries which are popular. The new leaves in spring are a coppery red, turning to green in summer and a vivid red in the autumn.

  • Amelanchier canadensis October Flame

    Slender, small tree carrying interest from spring through to autumn. In early spring, white star-shaped flowers decorate the branches as leaves begin to unfurl. They are followed by small, dark purple berries that are enjoyed by birds. In autumn, the foliage turns dramatic shades of orange and red. Grows to 4 x 3 metres in 20 years.

  • Amelanchier lamarckii

    Shadbush. Upright-stemmed tree with mid-green leaves. Racemes of white flowers followed by purple-black fruit. Height 12m. Spread 8m. Flowers from April to May. Fruits from June to August. Deciduous.

  • Betula albosinensis Fascination

    Open crown, shiny, burnished copper coloured peeling bark in different shades of rose, pink and purple. The leaves are oval to lance-shaped and pale green. Height 18m. Spread 10m. Deciduous. Hardy.

  • Betula Dalecarlica

    Swedish Birch. A tall, slender, graceful tree with drooping branchlets and prettily cut leaves with purple-tinged bark. Dark purple leaves turn reddish in autumn. Yellow brown catkins in Spring. Deciduous.

  • Betula nigra

    Black Birch. River Birch. Conical tree with shaggy, red-brown bark when young. Diamond-shaped, glossy, green leaves turning yellow in autumn. Yellow-brown catkins in spring. Height 18m. Spread 12m. Deciduous. Hardy.

  • Betula pendula

    Silver Birch. Conical tree with peeling white bark. which becomes marked with dark rugged cracks at the base. Dark green leaves turn yellow in autumn. Yellow-brown catkins in spring. Height 10- 25m. Spread 7m. Deciduous.

  • Betula pendula Alba

    Silver Birch. Conical tree with peeling white bark, which becomes marked with dark rugged cracks at the base. Dark green leaves turn yellow in autumn. Yellow-brown catkins in spring. Height10-25m. Spread 7m. Deciduous.

  • Betula pubescens

    Downy Birch. Conical tree with pendulous branches. downy stems and peeling white bark. Diamond-shaped dark green leaves turn yellow in Autumn. Yellow-brown catkins in Spring. Height 20m. Spread 10m. Deciduous. Foliage colour Green. Hardy. Planting instructions Water thoroughly before planting.

  • Betula utilis Doorenbos

    Himalayan Birch. Conical tree with peeling. white bark. Dark green leaves turn yellow in autumn. Yellow-brown catkins in spring. Height 18m. Spread 10m. Deciduous. Hardy.

  • Betula utilis Grayswood Ghost

    White-barked birches. As the bark ages, it peels off, revealing new white bark underneath. Yellow-brown catkins appear in spring, and the glossy green foliage turns golden yellow in autumn. A lovely low-maintenance tree with year-round appeal. Height 15m. Spread 9m. Deciduous.

  • Betula utilis Jacquemontii

    Himalayan Birch. Conical tree with peeling white bark. Dark green leaves turn yellow in Autumn. Yellow-brown catkins in Spring. Height 8m. Spread 5m. Deciduous. Hardy.

  • Carpinus betulus

    Common Hornbeam. Elegant shaped tree with serrated ribbed leaves and characteristic grey fluted bark. Height 25m. Spread 20m. Deciduous. A great hedging plant in exposed locations.

  • Carpinus betulus Fastigiata

    Fantastic specimen tree. Elegant shaped tree with serrate ribbed leaves and characteristic grey fluted bark. Height 7m. Spread 2m.

  • Castanea sativa

    Sweet Chestnut. Vigorous large tree with spirally furrowed bark when old. Toothed glossy dark green leaves. Laden with yellowish green catkins in Summer. Edible fruit in Autumn. Height 30m. Spread 15m.

  • Ceanothus Trewithen Blue

    The biggest growing of the California Lilacs. Wide-spreading, large, evergreen shrub with toothed, dark green leaves. Masses of fragrant mid-blue flowers. Height 6m. Spread 8m. Flowers from April to June. Evergreen. Hardy. Sheltered Site.

  • Cercidiphyllum japonicum

    Katsura Tree. A deciduous tree with rounded, heart-shaped. green leaves, tinted bronze. when young. Grown for its brilliant autumn colours of yellow, orange and red. Height 10m. Spread 5m. Deciduous. Hardy. Sheltered Site.

  • Cersis siliquastrm

    Judas Tree. A spreading tree with beautiful, heart-shaped, blue-green leaves, bronze when young, turning yellow in autumn. Magenta to pink flowers cover the branches before the leaves appear. Height 5m. Spread 3m. Deciduous.

  • Cornus alba Aurea

    Red-barked Dogwood. A vigorous shrub with red winter shoots. Yellow leaves turn red in autumn, white flowers are followed by white berries, often tinged blue. Height 3m. Spread 3m. Flowers from April to June. Fruits from July Deciduous. Hardy.

  • Cotoneaster cornubia

    A vigorous semi-evergreen tree with arching branches and glossy, dark green leaves. Large bunches of white flowers are followed by really large round, bright red or orange-red fruit. Height 6m. Spread 4m. Flowers from May to July. Fruits from August good in sun or shade. Fibrous rooted.

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Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm

Sat & Sun 9:00am - 5:00pm

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