Seed Potatoes
There are many different Seed Potato varieties, usually described as Early, Second Early and Main Crop - these names indicate when they crop and also give an idea of the space you'll need, how closely and when they can be planted.
Plant Early Potatoes about 30cm (12") apart with 40-50cm (16-20") between the rows and Second Earlies and Maincrops about 38cm (15") apart with 75cm (30") between the rows.
Tips: Potatoes like plenty of Sun, so avoid frost prone sites. If you're short of space, try growing in containers that are at least 30cm (1') deep and wide. Unless there's regular, adequate rainfall, dont forget to water.....this will affect the crop size and quality.
2kg when packed. Second Early. Basic Seed Potatoes. High Yielding. Superba All Rounder. Good resistance to blight and pests. Uses > Salads, Boil, Bake, Mash, Chip, Roast.
2kg when packed. Second Early. Basic Seed Potatoes. Flavoursome Salad Potato. High Yielding. Blackleg & Blight Resistant. Uses > Salads, Boil, Chip.
Main Crop. Basic Seed Potatoes. Good Disease & Eelworm Resistance. Uses > Boil, Bake, Mash, Chip, Roast.
2kg when packed. First Early. Basic Seed Potatoes. Large Yields. Full of Flavour. Easy to Grow. Uses > Salad, Boil, Mash, Chip.
First Early. Basic Seed Potatoes. Large Yields. Full of Flavour. Uses > Salads, Boil, Bake, Mash, Chip, Roast.
Main Crop. Basic Seed Potatoes. Strong Red Skin with Yellow Flesh. Uses > Boil, Bake, Mash, Chip, Roast.
2kg when packed. Main Crop. Basic Seed Potatoes. High Quality. Late Lifting. Pest & Disease Resistant. Good for Wedges. Uses > Bake, Roast, Chip, Mash.
2kg when packed. Second Early. Basic Seed Potatoes. Hint of Chestnut Flavour. Firm Texture. Excellent for Salads. Uses > Salads, Boil, Roast.
Second Early. Basic Seed Potatoes. Hint of Chestnut Flavour. Firm Texture. Excellent for Salads. Uses > Salads, Boil, Roast.
First Early. Basic Seed Potatoes. High yielding with good disease resistance. Uses > Boil, Chip.
2kg when packed. Main Crop. Basic Seed Potatoes. Drought Resistant. Most Popular Red. High Yield. Uses > Bake, Roast, Chip, Mash.
Main Crop. Basic Seed Potatoes. Drought Resistant. Most Popular Red. High Yield. Uses > Bake, Roast, Chip, Mash.
2kg when packed. Second Early. Basic Seed Potatoes. Mild Flavour. Drought Resistant. Long Season. Uses > Boil, Bake, Roast, Chip, Mash.
2kg when packed. First Early. Basic Seed Potatoes. Flavoursome Early New Potato. A Gardener’s Favourite. Slug Resistant. Uses > Salad, Boil, Mash, Roast.
Second Early. Basic Seed Potatoes. High-Yielding. Exceptional Salad Variety. Uses > Salad, Boil.
2kg when packed. Second Early. Basic Seed Potatoes. High Yield. Slug Resistant. Coloured Eye. Uses > Salads, Boil, Bake, Roast, Chip, Mash.
2kg when packed. Main Crop. Basic Seed Potatoes. Good Flavour. Floury Texture. Most Popular Potato. Uses > Bake, Roast, Chip, Mash.
Main Crop. Basic Seed Potatoes. Good Flavour. Floury Texture. Most Popular Potato. Uses > Bake, Roast, Chip, Mash.
2kg when packed. First Early. Basic Seed Potatoes. Very Early Garden Favourite. High Yielding. Eelworm Resistant. Uses > Salad, Boil, Roast.
2kg when packed. First Early. Basic Seed Potatoes. High Yield. Drought Resistant. Very Early Variety. Uses > Salads, Boil, Bake, Roast, Chip, Mash
First Early. Basic Seed Potatoes. High Yield. Drought Resistant. Uses > Salads, Boil, Bake, Mash, Chip, Roast.
2kg when packed. Main Crop. Basic Seed Potatoes. High Yield. Stores Well. The Chip Shop Potato. Uses > Bake, Roast, Chip, Mash.
Main Crop. Basic Seed Potatoes. High Yield. Stores Well. The Chip Shop Potato. Uses > Bake, Roast, Chip, Mash.
Main Crop. Basic Seed Potatoes. High Yields. Good for Frying. Uses > Boil, Bake, Chip, Roast.
2kg when packed. Second Early. Basic Seed Potatoes. Buttery Flavour. Good for Salads. Eelworm and Blight Resistant. Uses > Salad, Boil, Mash, Chip, Roast.
Second Early. Basic Seed Potatoes. Buttery Flavour. Good for Salads. Eelworm and Blight Resistant. Uses > Salad, Boil, Mash, Chip, Roast.
2kg when packed. First Early. Basic Seed Potatoes. Excellent Blight Resistance. Good for Storing. Great Flavour. Uses > Boil, Chip.
2kg when packed. Main Crop. Basic Seed Potatoes. High Yielding. Drought Resistant. Firm Texture. Uses > Bake, Chip, Roast.
2kg when packed. First Early. Basic Seed Potatoes. Old Established Variety. Suitable for all soils. Scab Resistant. Uses > Salads, Boil, Bake, Roast, Chip, Mash.
First Early. Basic Seed Potatoes. Old Established Variety. Suitable for all soils. Scab Resistant. Uses > Salads, Boil, Bake, Roast, Chip, Mash.
2kg when packed. Main Crop. Basic Seed Potatoes. Good Drought Resistant. High Yielding. Eelworm Resistant. Uses > Boil, Bake, Mash, Chip, Roast.
2kg when packed. First Early. Basic Seed Potatoes. Very Early. Popular Variety. Good all round disease resistance. Uses > Boil, Bake, Chip, Roast.
2kg when packed. First Early. Basic Seed Potatoes. High Yielding. Very Early. Eelworm Resistant. Uses > Salad, Boil, Mash, Chip, Roast.
2kg when packed. Main Crop. Basic Seed Potatoes. The most blight resistant potato. High Yielding. Vigorous Grower. Uses > Bake, Chip, Roast.
The most blight resistant main crop Potato. Plant March onwards. Harvest September/October. Uses > Bake, Chip, Roast.
2kg when packed. Second Early. Basic Seed Potatoes. High Yielding. Disease Resistant, Creamy Flavour. Uses > Boil, Bake, Mash, Chip, Roast.
Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm
Sat & Sun 9:00am - 5:00pm
Any questions? Email us or give us a call on 01904 400092.