• Abies Nordmannia Height 25-40cms

    Caucasian fir. A slow-growing tree with a spreading habit. Excellent winter colour. Height 10m. Spread 1.4m. Evergreen. Hardy. (£3 each or £2.40 each for 25 or more).

  • Buxus sempervirens (Box) Height 25-30cms

    Dwarf evergreen hedging which can be clipped twice each year to keep as a small 30cm hedge or up to a 1.8m hedge. Plant 1 per 30cm for a large hedge and 5 per metre for a smaller hedge. (£2.50 each or £2 each for 25 or more).

  • Ligustrum ovalifolium (Green Privet) Height 60-80cms

    Privet. A conical evergreen shrub with rich green leaves. White flowers followed by black berries. Height 4m. Spread 4m. Great hedging plant can be clipped to any height from 1m to 5m. Plant 30cm apart. (£2 each or £1.60 each for 25 or more).

  • Ligustrum ovalifolium aureum (Variegated Golden Privet) Height 30-50cms

    Privet. A conical evergreen shrub with rich green leaves. White flowers followed by black berries. Height 4m. Spread 4m. Great hedging plant can be clipped to any height from 1m to 5m. Plant 30cm apart. (£2 each or £1.60 each for 25 or more).

  • Lonicera nitida Elegant (Boxleaf Honeysuckle) Height 30-50cms

    A bushy evergreen shrub with glossy, dark green leaves, creamy white flowers in spring, followed by glossy, purple-blue berries. Height 3.5m. Spread 3m. Flowers from April to May. Fruits from June. Evergreen. Great hedging. (£2 each or £1.60 each for 25 or more).

  • Picea abies Height 30-50cms

    Norway Spruce. A tall coniferous tree of pyramidal habit forming a cylindrical shape in time. with needle-like. dark green leaves. Height 12m. Spread 2m. Evergreen. Hardy. Planting instructions Back-fill with soil mixed with peat and a suitable fertiliser. (£2.50 each or £2 each for 25 or more).

  • Picea omorika Height 25-40cms

    Serbian Spruce. A narrow cone-shaped conifer of graceful, dense habit with blue-green foliage. Produces blue-black cones. Height 20m. Spread 2-3m. Evergreen. (£2.50 each or £2 each for 25 or more).

  • Picea pungens Glauca Height 30-50cms

    Colorado Spruce. A conical conifer with horizontal, dense branches of steel blue young foliage. Height 15-25m. Spread 5m. Evergreen. Hardy. Useful as a Christmas tree as there is no needle drop. Very slow growing. (£3 each or £2.40 each for 25 or more).

  • Pinus sylvestris Height 50-80cm

    Scots Pine. A tall conical to columnar conifer with blue-green, twisted needle-like leaves. Bushy and vigorous when young, great screening, stately and architectural when old. (£3 each or £2.40 each for 25 or more).

  • Pseudotsuga menziesii Height 50-80cms

    Douglas Fir. A broadly conical tree when young becoming columnar with spreading branches of dark green narrow leaves. Produces cones. Height 25-50m. Spread 6-10m. Evergreen. Hardy. (£3 each or £2.40 each for 25 or more).

  • Taxus baccata (Yew) Height 30-50cms

    Yew. A broadly conical evergreen conifer with narrow dark green leaves. Clip to shape. Evergreen. Probably the best evergreen topiary plant. For hedging plant 2 per metre. (£3 each or £2.40 each for 25 or more).

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Our Opening Times

Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm

Sat & Sun 9:00am - 5:00pm

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