• Cabbage April (spring pointed) 12-pack

    An early spring cabbage with uniform compact heads on dwarf plants. Plant 30cm apart. Harvest April /May.

  • Cabbage F1 Caraflex (pointed) 9cm pot

    Very attractive, improved Hispi type cabbage. Fast growing, matures in 75 days. Produces large pointed firm heads. Delicious sweet flavour. Harvest Summer.

  • Cabbage F1 Cordesa (savoy) 9cm pot

    A Clubroot resistant savoy cabbage variety. Produces compact heads with heavy crinkled leaves and attractive dark green colour. Excellent quality and flavour. Good standing ability.

  • Cabbage F1 Deadon (winter) 9cm pot

    A hybrid January King type. Produces flat round solid heads. Features attractive dark green outer leaves with a red tinge, plus good internal colour.

  • Cabbage F1 Duncan (pointed) 9cm pot

    Dark green pointed cabbage producing solid hearts rapidly. Resistant to bolting. Good base quality, uniformity and colour. Harvest Summer and Autumn.

  • Cabbage F1 Dutchman (pointed) 9cm pot

    Improved Duchy type. Very strong tolerance to bolting and splitting. Medium size (1.2kg) with plenty of smooth wrapper leaves.

  • Cabbage F1 Elisa (ballhead) 9cm pot

    A sweet tasting cabbage with a fresh dark green leaf colour. Slow to bolt. Can be used as a mini veg or medium size (1kg) head.

  • Cabbage F1 Endeavour (savoy) 9cm pot

    An excellent late maturing savoy cabbage with dark green leaves and medium blister. Hearts up well and stands well. Harvest late November to March.

  • Cabbage F1 High Crop (collard spring) 9cm pot

    A hybrid Collard (non-hearting) or Spring Green that never hearts up. Can be used as a 'cut and come again' cabbage, pulling the leaves from the centres as they are required. Or cut as a whole looseleaf spring green. Good vigour, lovely flavour, cooked or raw. Good disease tolerance.

  • Cabbage F1 Kilastor (ballhead) 12-pack

    Clubroot resistant variety. Produces excellent quality ball shaped heads 2.5kg - 4kg. High yielding. Stores well. Harvest Sept-Nov.

  • Cabbage F1 Lodero (red) 12-pack

    Clubroot resistant red cabbage. Produces bright red, round small to medium sized, uniform heads with good flavour and storage ability. Retains colour when steamed. Also ideal for adding colour to winter coleslaws and salads. Harvest Sept - Nov.

  • Cabbage F1 Marabel (winter) 9cm pot

    A quality January King type that produces large, dense heads. High yielding and long standing. Keeps attractive red and green colour when cooked. Harvest Nov - mid March.

  • Cabbage F1 Providence (savoy) 9cm pot

    A mid season savoy variety with attractive dark blue - green, deeply blistered leaves. The heads are round and well filled, with a short core. Good eating qualities. Harvest Sep to Nov.

  • Cabbage F1 Redcap (red ballhead) 9cm pot

    A delightful small red cabbage, bred for high density planting to produce small to baby sized heads. Ideal if short of space. Delicious cooked or raw in salads. Harvest Sept - Nov.

  • Cabbage F1 Regency (pointed) 9cm pot

    An excellent high yielding pointed variety producing compact heads. Excellent flavour and good holding ability. Harvest June to October

  • Cabbage F1 Rigoletto (savoy) 9cm pot

    A top performing hybrid Savoy Cabbage of very high quality, good vigour and uniformity. Dense heads of dark green, crinkled leaves for harvesting from November to March. Very winter hardy.

  • Cabbage F1 Rodima (red ballhead) 9cm pot

    Produces intense red cabbages with tight heads and a short internal stalk. Very good flavour and excellent standing ability. Harvest Oct - Dec.

  • Cabbage F1 Spring Hero (spring ballhead) 12-pack

    One of the best ballheaded cabbage varieties for late spring harvest. Large solid round heads of medium green with crisp creamy white hearts. Delicious sweet flavour. Very hardy. Harvest April to May.

  • Cabbage F1 Stonehead (ballhead) 9cm pot

    An early variety producing really solid medium green round heads. Resistant to splitting. Stores well. Very suitable for close planting.

  • Cabbage F1 Tundra (winter) 9cm pot

    A unique winter cabbage with round to oval, medium to dark green dense heads. Late maturing. Very hardy.Harvest Nov - March.

  • Cabbage F1 Verve (ballhead) 9cm pot

    Dark green pointed heads suitable for all year round production. Harvest in 90 days from transplanting.

  • Cabbage Kalibos Red (red pointed) 9cm pot

    Delicious red pointed cabbage. Has a high sugar content, making it the perfect variety for shredding into salads for superb sweetness, crunch and colour. Harvest late summer and autumn. Not suited to cooking.

  • Cabbage Wheelers Imperial (spring pointed) 12-pack

    Incredibly reliable overwintering green cabbage. Also known as sweetheart cabbage. Dark green leafy heads. Compact, firm, yet tender pointed hearts with a delightful flavour. Harvest in Feb as spring greens or as hearted cabbage from April onwards.

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Our Opening Times

Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm

Sat & Sun 9:00am - 5:00pm

Any questions? Email us or give us a call on 01904 400092.