• Calabrese F1 Delistem Kale 9cm pot

    This is the latest in tenderstem calabrese - a hybrid of calabrese and Chinese Kale. Delicious green broccoli spears on edible stems, which taste like asparagus. Pinch out the first head at an early stage in order to encourage the side spears to develop. Harvest June - October.

  • Calabrese F1 Iron Man 9cm pot

    An excellent variety for harvesting late June - November. Excellent quality heads with a good dome shape.

  • Calabrese F1 Marathon 9cm pot

    One of the most popular varieties of calabrese. Produces small evenly sized buds with good colour. Suitable for early and late sowings as well as main crop. Harvest Aug - Oct.

  • Calabrese F1 Monclano 12-pack

    Clubroot resistant. Firm domed head with a smooth stem. Good standing ability, heavy yields and good flavour.

  • Calabrese F1 Sun King 9cm pot

    Very tasty large blue, green heads with good leaf cover and an abundance of side shoots. Outstanding heat tolerance making it ideal for summer or autumn harvests.

Come and see us!

Our Opening Times

Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm

Sat & Sun 9:00am - 5:00pm

Any questions? Email us or give us a call on 01904 400092.