Large dark red fruits, sweet and crisp, the harvest takes place in July, auto-fertile and very productive. Produces the last sweet cherries of the year, the harvest is carried out according to the years weather until the end of July.
Very large bright red fruits with tasty, firm, perfumed flesh. Very fertile. Ripening end of May beginning of June.
A self-fertile sweet cherry ready in late July producing large, dark red fruits. Resistant to bacterial canker. Flavour is good and the flesh in juicy. Good pollinator for other cherries.
An outstanding yellow flushed red, early cherry. Firm white flesh and a sweet taste. Pick in late June.
A popular cooking cherry producing dark purple, large glossy cherries that are too tart to eat raw. Large crops of fruit are ready in August. Compact spreading habit. Self-fertile.
Cherry. A self-fertile sweet cherry ready in late July producing large dark red fruits. Resistant to bacterial canker. Flavour is good and the flesh is juicy.
A self-fertile sweet cherry ready in early July producing large, crack-resistant black fruits. Gorgeous flavour.
A new self-fertile sweet, white cherry ready in late July producing large white fruits. Something different!
Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm
Sat & Sun 9:00am - 5:00pm
Any questions? Email us or give us a call on 01904 400092.