• Cherry Bigarreau Van

    Large dark red fruits, sweet and crisp, the harvest takes place in July, auto-fertile and very productive. Produces the last sweet cherries of the year, the harvest is carried out according to the years weather until the end of July.

  • Cherry Burlat 1/2 Std

    Very large bright red fruits with tasty, firm, perfumed flesh. Very fertile. Ripening end of May beginning of June.

  • Cherry Compacta Stella 1/2 Std

    A self-fertile sweet cherry ready in late July producing large, dark red fruits. Resistant to bacterial canker. Flavour is good and the flesh in juicy. Good pollinator for other cherries.

  • Cherry Merton Glory 1/2 Std

    An outstanding yellow flushed red, early cherry. Firm white flesh and a sweet taste. Pick in late June.

  • Cherry Morello

    A popular cooking cherry producing dark purple, large glossy cherries that are too tart to eat raw. Large crops of fruit are ready in August. Compact spreading habit. Self-fertile.

  • Cherry Stella

    Cherry. A self-fertile sweet cherry ready in late July producing large dark red fruits. Resistant to bacterial canker. Flavour is good and the flesh is juicy.

  • Cherry Sunburst 1/2 Std

    A self-fertile sweet cherry ready in early July producing large, crack-resistant black fruits. Gorgeous flavour.

  • Cherry Vega 1/2 Std

    A new self-fertile sweet, white cherry ready in late July producing large white fruits. Something different!

Come and see us!

Our Opening Times

Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm

Sat & Sun 9:00am - 5:00pm

Any questions? Email us or give us a call on 01904 400092.