A climbing variety, suitable for scrambling up a trellis or fence, where it will produce an abundance of dark green fruits. Tie the stems in regularly to help support the weight of the fruits.
British breeding brings the first climbing yellow courgette. Has an upright climbing habit that is well suited to growing in smaller gardens or containers. Grow against a trellis and tie the stems in regularly to help support the weight of the fruits.
One of the best garden courgettes. Vigorous plants are high yielding and produce slim uniform green courgettes. Good tolerance of powdery mildew, giving a longer harvest season.
An early hybrid variety producing a heavy crop of golden - yellow courgettes. Sweet flavour. Fruits best harvested when 15 - 20cm long. Harvest early July onwards.
A very early variety producing heavy crops of dark green, slightly speckled courgettes. A British bred courgette that is highly resistant to cucumber mosaic virus. RHS awarded.
Compact, bushy plant, ideal for growing in containers. Slightly speckled courgette with good flavour. Stems and leaves are spine free.
Slender, golden skinned fruits are produced in profusion throughout the summer. Superb flavour. Vigorous open habit. Excellent mildew resistance.
A superb variety delivering high yields of mid green straight shiny fruits. Open upright habit makes harvesting easy. High resistance to disease. Harvest July onwards.
Uniform striped green fruits. Can be picked as standard sized courgette or left to mature into marrows. Harvest July onwards.
Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm
Sat & Sun 9:00am - 5:00pm
Any questions? Email us or give us a call on 01904 400092.