• Cytisus Apricot Gem

    Cytisus Apricot Gem is drought resistant and an insect friendly Broom with a fine apricot-golden colour. It will grow into a robust and ever more abundantly flowering shrub in a short period of time. Once in full bloom this shrub will attract many bees and butterflies. Likes a slightly acidic soil.

  • Cytisus battandieri

    Pineapple Broom. An upright tree-like shrub with silvery grey leaves. Attractive upright, dense racemes of yellow, pineapple scented flowers. Height 5m. Spread 5m. Flowers from July to August. Deciduous. Hardy. Sheltered Site.

  • Cytisus Luna

    Broom. A rounded, bushy shrub with slender stems and small green leaves. Attractive creamy yellow flowers. Height 1.5m. Spread 1.5m. Flowers from April to May. Deciduous. Hardy.

  • Cytisus x praecox Allgold

    Broom. A compact shrub with arching stems and small green leaves. Abundant dark yellow flowers borne in clusters. Height 1.2m. Spread 1.5m. Flowers from March to April. Deciduous. Hardy.

Come and see us!

Our Opening Times

Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm

Sat & Sun 9:00am - 5:00pm

Any questions? Email us or give us a call on 01904 400092.