A vigorous upright shrub up to 3m high, with deciduous, three-lobed green leaves, and single flowers,10cm across, with pure white petals and cream stamens, from midsummer to autumn; honeybees and bumblebees may visit for pollen.
Tree Hollyhock. An erect shrub with toothed dark green leaves and single bright blue flowers with a small red eye from mid-summer to autumn. Height 1.2m. Spread 1.m. Flowers from July to October. Deciduous. Hardy. Requires full sun.
Tree Hollyhock. Large, single, white mallow-like flowers up to 12cm across with a lacy centre from August to October. Full sun, humus-rich, moist but well-drained, neutral to slightly alkaline soil, average to fast-growing.
Tree Hollyhock. An erect shrub with toothed dark green leaves and single pink flowers with a pink eye from mid-summer to autumn. Height 1.8m. Spread 1.5m. Flowers from July to October. Deciduous. Hardy.
Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm
Sat & Sun 9:00am - 5:00pm
Any questions? Email us or give us a call on 01904 400092.