• Hosta Blue Angel 3L pot

    The large soft blue leaves grow into nice big mounds within a few years. Leaves take on a green-blue hue with more exposure to sun. Keep in deep shade if you want to bring out the true colours of Blue Angel.

  • Hosta Brim Cup 3L pot

    Heart-shaped green leaves with a pale yellow edge. Violet blue flowers between July and August. Height 30cm. Spread 75cm. Sun or shade beware of slugs.

  • Hosta Broad Street 3L pot

    Very nice heart-shaped leaves are mostly green with a thin bolt of yellow through the middle of the leaf. Leaves emerge mostly green with yellow centres. By summer the leaves are medium green with a cream centre.

  • Hosta Dream Queen 3L pot

    Mid-sized growing hosta. Creamy foliage with blue margins. Sturdy and rounded blue-green leaves with ivory centre.

  • Hosta Elegans 3L pot

    Heart-shaped, bluish green heavily puckered leaves forms magnificent clump. Shady site. White flowers in summer. Height 60cm. Spread 60cm. Flowers from July to August. Herbaceous. Hardy. Shelter from cold drying winds.

  • Hosta First Frost 3L pot

    Foliage remains attractive until first frost. A lovely addition to shady areas. It forms attractive, dense mounds of upright, heart-shaped blue-green leaves, 7in. Easy grower, Hosta 'First Frost' grows 16 in. tall (40 cm) and spreads 24-36 in. (60-90 cm).

  • Hosta Forbidden Fruit 3L pot

    Tetraploid sport of Orange Marmalade, thick leaves with glowing golden-yellow centre set off by a blue-green border. Lavender flowers.

  • Hosta Gold Standard 3L pot

    Clump forming perennial with medium yellow lime leaves edged green. Vigorous and desirable for late summer. Height 50cm. Width 75cm.

  • Hosta Grandiflora 3L pot

    Large Hosta that has fragrant white flowers and grows in sun/shade. The height is 60cm and the growth is medium. Herbaceous. Shelter from cold, drying winds.

  • Hosta Great Expectations 3L pot

    Heart-shaped, mid golden leaves with dark green edges. Superb foliage. Pale lavender flowers in summer. Height 50cm. Spread 75cm. Flowers from July to August. Herbaceous. Hardy. Sun or shade beware of slugs.

  • Hosta Green Bag 3L pot

    Beautiful glossy green leaves with deep ridging. In summer blue-lavender bell shaped flowers appear above the foliage on long slender stems. Ideal for a shady area. Height 40cm. Spread 90cm.

  • Hosta Guacamole 3L pot

    'Guacamole' has avocado green, veined foliage with darker green margins. This hosta forms large, dense clumps and thrives in partial shade, where the sun can brighten the leaf centres. In late summer, 3-foot-tall flower stalks emerge, bearing fragrant, lily like white blooms. Care: Moist, well-drained soil. Provide part to full shade and moist but well-drained.

  • Hosta Guardian Angel 3L pot

    Leaves emerge blue-green with an ivory centre, with a ruffled edge and a gentle twist and turn to almost completely blue-green by summer.

  • Hosta JS Harry Von Trier 3L pot

    Fast growing slightly shiny green leaved hosta, wavy edges make this a lovely plant when mature. Very prolific leaf production make the mound very dense - grows really well in the ground.

  • Hosta June 3L pot

    Glaucous green leaves with a broad central area of lime green. Fragrant lavender-blue flowers. 75cm. Britain's best selling Hosta.

  • Hosta King Size 3L pot

    Hosta 'King Size' is a fabulous sport from H. 'Empress Wu' that has the same huge stature, without the glaucous coating on the leaf. The enormous dark green leaves are shiny because of the lack of wax to the leaf. Give this Hosta some bright morning sun and some room to grow. Lavender flowers in summer. Good Pest Resistance with maturity.

  • Hosta Krossa Regal 3L pot

    An architectural, vase-shaped plant. Large glaucous blue-grey, veined leaves. Pale lilac flowers in summer. Height 70cm. Spread 75cm. Flowers from July to August. Herbaceous. Hardy. Shelter from cold drying winds.

  • Hosta Lakeside Dragonfly 3L pot

    Very striking hosta, it has lance-shaped green leaves with a wide yellow margin that turns cream. Height: 35-45 cm Flower: Lavender. Position: Semi-Shade / Shade. Growth Rate: Fast.

  • Hosta Patriot 3L pot

    Variegated green foliage with prominent white edges. Lilac flowers. Protect from slugs.

  • Hosta Praying Hands 3L pot

    Large, clump-forming, herbaceous perennial with thick, puckered, broadly oval, grey-blue leaves and tall scapes bearing racemes of funnel-shaped, white to pale lavender flowers in summer.

  • Hosta Purple Heart 3L pot

    Large mid-green leaves flushed purple-red at the base. Pale purple flowers carried on purple-red stems. 60 x 60 cm.

  • Hosta Queen Josephine 3L pot

    Glossy dark green leaves and a wide cream margin. Leaves emerge glossy dark green in spring with a bright yellow margin. The leaf margin slowly turns white as the season progresses.

  • Hosta Shadowland Wu-La-La 3L pot

    Large, deep blue foliage edges with bright green margins. The leaves are heavily corrugated with thick substance. Hardy in zones 3-9, Grow in part shade to full shade locations. This native perennial likes to be grown in moist well drained locations.

  • Hosta sieboldiana Big Daddy 3L pot

    Rounded to heart-shaped, deeply puckered grey-blue leaves. Greyish white flowers in early summer. Height 60cm. Spread 1m. Flowers from June to July. Herbaceous. Hardy. Shelter from cold drying winds.

  • Hosta Sorbet 3L pot

    Green leaves with a cream to white edge and red petioles. Height: Medium 40-45 cm. Flower: Lavender. Position: Semi-Shade / Shade. Growth Rate: Medium.

  • Hosta tardiana Halcyon 3L pot

    Smooth, lance-shaped, glaucous leaves to 20cm long, are topped with spikes of handsome, lavender-grey, bell-shaped flowers in mid- to late summer.

  • Hosta Vulcan 3L pot

    Pure white leaves with a dark green border. Gold streaks accent the interior margins where the white and green overlap. Lavender blooms in mid-to-late summer. Dwarf, compact form. Height 35-40 cm. Spread 75-80 cm.

  • Hosta Whirlwind 3L pot

    A very interesting variegated hosta whose leaf colour changes throughout the season, 'Whirlwind' (Plantain Lily) is a lovely addition to shady areas. It forms attractive, dense mounds of ovate to heart-shaped, folded, twisted and pointed, creamy white to lime green leaves with broad dark green margins.

  • Hosta x hybrida Sum & Substance 3L pot

    Elegant heart-shaped, yellow-green leaves becoming deeply puckered when mature. Pale lilac flowers in mid to late summer. Height 75cm. Spread 1.2m. Flowers from July to August. Herbaceous. Hardy.

  • Hosta x hybrida Wide Brim 3L pot

    Puckered heart-shaped glaucous green leaves with a bold wide cream margin. Pale lavender-blue flowers in summer. Height 45cm. Spread 1m. Flowers from July to August. Herbaceous. Hardy. Shelter from cold drying winds.

  • Hosta Yellow Polka Dot Bikini 3L pot

    Cupped, green leaves with bright yellow margins, dark green centres and white streaks in between. Margins become apple green in summer and the leaves flatten out. Lavender flowers appear in summer.

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