How to Grow Leeks


Leeks will be ready to plant out when they are about 20cm high. 

To prepare the leeks for planting gently trim off the top centimetre of the leaves. Then gently tip the leeks out of the container and separate the plants. Use scissors to trim the straggly ends of the roots, so that there is 2-3cm of root left.



Use a trowel or dibber to make a conical hole which is 5cm in diameter at the top, and 15 cm deep. Space the holes 24cm apart in the row. Leave 45cm between the rows.

Place one leek in each hole and do not fill the hole with soil. Fill the hole with water. The water will wash a little soil over the roots and the holes will gradually fill in themselves as the leeks become established. This is called puddling.



To look after the leeks water well in dry weather to keep the soil moist and remove weeds as soon as they appear. It is much easier to pull out tiny weeds than older ones with a strong root system.

In August the stems can be earthed up by dragging the soil to the stem. Drag enough soil to raise the depth of soil around the stem by 5cm. Do this several times, adding another 5m each time. This will increase the length of white stem.

Leeks are hardy enough to stay in the soil throughout the winter. So grow plenty to keep you going!!


For baby/mini leeks, plant them much closer together in the row and harvest when still young and tender.

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