• Iris Banbury Ruffles 3L pot

    Dark blue, ruffled flowers. Height 20m. Flowers from May to June. Requires sunny spot.

  • Iris ensata Variegata 3L pot

    A pretty iris with narrow ribbed bright green and white variegated leaves and stems of purple or red-purple flowers in mid-summer. Height 90cm. Flowers from July to August. Herbaceous. Hardy. Harmful if eaten. Can be grown in wet positions.

  • Iris germanica Buckwheat 3L pot

    Reblooming, tall bearded iris which typically grows to 36" tall and slowly spreads by rhizomes. Standards are light yellow and falls are medium yellow with greenish-tan tinge. Yellow beard. Ruffled. Slight fragrance.

  • Iris germanica Cimarron Strip 3L pot

    Lots of sword like leaves and masses of red and orange flowers in May and June. Height 70cm. Harmful if eaten.

  • Iris germanica Constant Wattez 3L pot

    Bearded Iris. Orange and Pink flowers in May to June and can be planted from January to December. Height 60 cm and above. Partial sun to Full sun.

  • Iris germanica Edith Wolford 3L pot

    Rhizomatous perennial to 1m tall, with fans of sword-shaped, greyish-green foliage. The highly ruffled flowers, produced in mid-to-late spring, have primrose-yellow standards and blue-violet falls, with orange beards.

  • Iris germanica Honey Glazed 3L pot

    Orris Root. Large flowers with dark amber orange falls (lower petals) and soft yellow standards (upper petals). Sword-like leaves are deciduous, pale green. Flowers appear usually from mid May on sturdy, about 60 cm tall stems.

  • Iris germanica Immortality 3L pot

    A bearded iris with sword-like narrow green leaves and stems of purest white flowers in May and June. Repeat flowering later in the summer. Height 80cm. Spread 45cm. Semi-evergreen.

  • Iris germanica Red Zinger 3L pot

    Rich red petals range from bright and light to deep wine red, and the bloom is centred by bright orange stamen and yellow-orange beards.

  • Iris germanica Salonique 3L pot

    Fragrant yellow creamy standards and dark purple falls. Full sun or partial shade and fertile moist soil.

  • Iris germanica Wine and Roses 3L pot

    Clear rose pink standards over violet purple falls edged rose pink. Beard is red-orange. This is in a class by itself. Blooms are ruffly and large and stalks are well branched. Has fertile pollen.

  • Iris sibirica Butter and Sugar 3L pot

    'Butter and Sugar' is a clump-forming perennial with narrow, leaves and stems to 80cm, bearing 2 white flowers, the standards with a yellow sheen, the falls flushed lemon yellow towards the centre.

  • Iris sibirica Flight of Butterflies 3L pot

    Vigorous clumps of grassy leaves with tall stems of delicate rich blue flowers with white veining on the falls from early to mid-summer. Height 90cm. Spread 30cm. Flowers from June to July. Herbaceous. Hardy. Harmful if eaten.

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Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm

Sat & Sun 9:00am - 5:00pm

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