• Paeonia Sarah Bernhardt 3L pot

    Peony. A clump-forming perennial with mid-green, deeply cut foliage and pretty very large double apple blossom pink flowers tinted and shaded with silver. Height 90cm. Spread 80cm. Flowers from May to June. Herbaceous. Hardy. Sun or shade.

  • Paeonia Shirley Temple 3L pot

    Peony. A clump-forming perennial with deep green foliage and pretty, large double, rose-pink flowers fading to white. Height 80cm. Spread 80cm. Flowers from May to June. Herbaceous. Hardy. Sheltered Site.

  • Paeonia suffruticosa Mixed 3L pot

    Tree Peony. A clump-forming deciduous sparsely branched shrub. Large bright coloured flowers. Flowers from May to June. Mature Height 150 cm. Mature Spread 150 cm. Hardy.

  • Paeonia suffruticosa Shunkoju 3L pot

    Unusual, rare and highly collectable; tree peonies are highly prized. Shunkoju has an interesting large double flower of petals both light and dark shades of pink. Any fertile, free draining soil in full sun or partial shade in any sheltered position. Mid-late flowing season.

Come and see us!

Our Opening Times

Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm

Sat & Sun 9:00am - 5:00pm

Any questions? Email us or give us a call on 01904 400092.