Upright, bushy, deciduous shrub with broadly ovate, lobed, glossy, toothed, dark reddish-purple leaves turning orange-red in autumn and dense corymbs of small, cup-shaped, pink-flushed, white flowers in summer. Flowers are followed by bladder-like, red fruit ripening black.
A superb bright medium sized deciduous shrub with lovely golden yellow foliage. Small white flowers are produced in June. A much improved form of Physocarpus opulifolus Darts Gold. Thrives in partial shade to avoid scorch and most soils.
Ninebark. A thicket-forming shrub with bright golden foliage and small cup-shaped pink-tinged white flowers. Height 2m. Spread 2.5m. Flowers from June to July. Fruit colour Green. Red. Fruits from August. Deciduous.
Clusters of white to off-white flowers in early summer; clusters of fruit taking on a pinkish to flesh color in mid-late summer; autumn color is a poor yellow.
Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm
Sat & Sun 9:00am - 5:00pm
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