• Primula auricula Mixed 3L pot

    An alpine primula with evergreen rosettes of rounded green leaves and clusters of flowers in shades of pink, orange & reds in spring. Height 15-20cm. Spread 15cm. Flowers from March to May. Evergreen. Hardy.

  • Primula bulleyana 3L pot

    A perennial with large mid-green leaves. Stout stems with tiers of deep orange flowers in early summer. Height 60-90cm. Spread 45cm. Flowers from June to July. Herbaceous. Hardy.

  • Primula capitata Noverna Deep Blue 3L pot

    A perennial with small rosettes of green leaves covered in deep blue farinose. Small deep violet bell-shaped flowers in rounded flattened heads on short stout stems from mid to late summer. Height 20-30cm. Spread 15-20cm. Flowers from July to August. Semi-evergreen. Hardy.

  • Primula denticulata Prom Deep Rose 3L pot

    Drumstick Primula. A perennial with rosettes of mid-green leaves. Stout stems of rounded, rose flowers in spring. Height 45cm. Spread 45cm. Flowers from April to May. Herbaceous. Hardy.

  • Primula denticulata Prom White 3L pot

    Drumstick Primula. A perennial with rosettes of mid-green leaves. Stout stems of rounded. white flowers in spring. Height 45cm. Spread 45cm. Flowers from April to May. Herbaceous.

  • Primula Francisca 3L pot

    Unusual, Polyanthus style, Old Fashioned Primrose with unique green flowers, each petal with a ruffley edge which is pale; almost as if it was rimmed with frost. Chartreuse green with a green eye. A Charming curiosity for fellow lovers of green flowers.

  • Primula japonica Apple Blossom 3L pot

    Japanese Primrose. A perennial with large pale green leaves. Stout stems with tiers of white tinged pink flowers in late spring and early summer. Height 45cm. Spread 45cm. Flowers from May to June. Herbaceous. Hardy.

  • Primula japonica Miller's Crimson 3L pot

    Japanese Primrose. A perennial with large green leaves. Stout stems with tiers of crimson flowers in late spring and early summer. Height 45-75cm. Spread 45cm. Flowers from May to June. Herbaceous. Hardy.

  • Primula viallii 3L pot

    A perennial with rosettes of soft downy leaves. Dense heads of small tubular red flowers. Flowers in late spring and early summer. Height 45cm. Spread 30cm. Flowers from May to June. Herbaceous. Hardy.

  • Primula vulgaris Strong Beer 3L pot

    Deep rich purple, double flowers in spring, over rosettes of bronze-flushed leaves. Sun or part shade. Humus-rich soil. Height 15 cm.

  • Primula Wanda Tomato Red 3L pot

    Tough and easy to grow, this unusual variety of Primrose makes a neat low clump with a long lasting display of dusky red flowers throughout early and mid spring.

Come and see us!

Our Opening Times

Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm

Sat & Sun 9:00am - 5:00pm

Any questions? Email us or give us a call on 01904 400092.