Early semi-greenback variety producing bright red medium sized round fruits. Famous for its flavour. Grow in a greenhouse or outdoors.
Popular and productive early variety producing medium sized round red fruits. Grow in a green house or outdoors.
Tasty, big beefsteak tomato. Large meaty red fruits with very few seeds. Outstanding flavour - a tasty balance between sweet and tangy. Easy to slice and perfect for frying. Disease resistant. Grow in a greenhouse or outdoors.
A giant plum tomato that grows up to 8cm long and 4cm wide. The thin skin peels away easily after par-boiling, revealing dense, meaty, full-flavoured flesh that is ideal for making thick creamy sauces. Good disease resistance. Best grown in a greenhouse to aid ripening.
A small bright red cherry tomato with high brix and low acidity. Full of flavour and sweet tasting.
A cherry sized blackish-purple skinned tomato with dark red flesh. Sweet and juicy flavour. Grow in a greenhouse or outdoors.
A quality hybrid producing large, fleshy, ribbed, Beafsteak fruits. The red fruits have a good flavour with juicy but firm seedless flesh. Grow in a greenhouse or outdoors.
A medium to large smooth round deep red tomato with good inner flesh colour and an excellent flavour. High yielding with long trusses of 8 to 11 fruits. Grow in a greenhouse or outdoors.
A bush variety ideal for use in containers and small borders. Produces a prolific crop of tasty, red cherry tomatoes. Grow outdoors or in a greenhouse.
A very compact bush variety producing large trusses of very tasty cherry sized yellow fruit. Ideal for container growing 3/5 plants per basket. Grow outdoors.
An extremely tasty variety with distinctive black-red coloured fruits. The firm and juicy texture delivers a complex flavour; a perfect balance of sweet and tangy notes, with an added subtle hint of smokiness. A new standard in black fruited tomatoes! Grow in a greenhouse.
A vigorous, high yielding early red cherry tomato. An excellent balance of sweetness and acidity gives the fruits an outstanding flavour. Grow in a cool greenhouse or outdoors.
Compact bush type ideal for hanging baskets or patio containers. Deep red cherry fruits. The flavour is sweet with a slightly acidic tang. Grow in a greenhouse or outdoors.
A blight resistant variety that produces classic 'cocktail' sized red fruits. The flavour is sweet with a slightly acidic tang. Grow in a greenhouse or outdoors.
An excellent blight resistant variety that produces a heavy yield of large, round, red tomatoes. Good flavour. Grow in a greenhouse or outdoors.
A hybrid cocktail variety that produces bright yellow fruits. A regular winner in taste tests due to its excellent sugar-acid balance. Prolific cropper. Grow in a greenhouse or outdoors.
An exquisitely flavoured golden-orange cherry tomato. Exceptional flavour with a high level of sweetness and a delightful aftertaste like honey. Grow in a greenhouse or outdoors.
A tomato with a difference, like Dynamite in your mouth!. Large pink fruits are fleshy, sweet and have an explosion of flavour unlike any other tomato the seed suppliers have tasted. Good resistance against late blight. Grow in a greenhouse or outdoors.
A mini plum tomato which produces small oval shaped fruits with a delicious sweet, full bodied flavour. A prolific early maturing variety. Grow in a cool greenhouse or outdoors.
Unusual orange beefsteak, bursting with flavour. Smooth, plump and firm fruits, with a dense meaty almost seedless flesh. Delicious addition to salads, sandwiches or roasted. Best grown in a greenhouse or outdoors in a sheltered spot.
Early maturing variety that produces a good harvest of uniform, well flavoured medium sized red fruits. Perfect for growing in unpredictable British summers. Resistant to splitting. Highly rated in taste tests. Grow in a greenhouse or outdoors.
A very early to mature bush variety that forms a good tidy structure with an excellent branching habit. Produces heavy crops of sweet, red cherry tomatoes. Ideal for growing in containers. Works well outside due to good weather tolerance. Grow outdoors.
An early variety producing red medium sized round fruits. High yielding. Grow in a cool greenhouse.
Delicious tasting cherry sized orange fruits with excellent flavour. Grow in a greenhouse or outdoors.
An early maturing variety which produces a heavy crop of red cherry sized fruits with an excellent flavour. Grow in a greenhouse or outdoors.
Early maturing cherry type tomato. Clusters of tiny deep red round fruit with delicious sweet flavour. Tolerant to cracking. Grow in a cool greenhouse or outdoors.
Seed merchants believe this is going to become the hybrid version of Gardeners Delight in future years. Toddler is one of the most dynamic introductions for years with well proportioned long trusses that bear 12-16 mid-sized glossy red cocktail tomatoes. Super sweet with a pleasing acid tang. Crack resistant and good disease resistance. Grow in a greenhouse or outdoors.
Trusses of exceptionally sweet red cherry tomatoes. Tumbler is an early ripening variety which is ideal for use in hanging baskets (1 plant per 12" basket). Grow in a greenhouse or outdoors.
A popular old variety which produces numerous red cherry sized fruits with a very sweet flavour. Grow in a greenhouse or outdoors.
Outstanding variety. Best yellow tomato a major seed supplier has seen or tasted. Up to 50 cherry sized fruits per truss. Superb flavour - sweet and juicy. Outstanding when grown in a greenhouse or outdoors.
Attractive yellow round medium sized fruits with a tangy sweet flavour. Grow in a greenhouse or outdoors.
A well known variety producing excellent flavoured red medium sized round fruits. High yielding. Grow in a greenhouse or outdoors.
An old variety selected for growing outdoors. Matures very early for an outdoor variety. Medium sized red fruits with very good flavour.
A flavoursome medium sized meaty plum tomato with few seeds. The best variety for tomato sauces and passata but can also be enjoyed raw. Grow in a greenhouse or outdoors.
Shiny, red thin skinned cherry tomatoes with a sweet but refreshing flavour. When grown in the greenhouse over a long period, up to 500 fruits are produced per plant. Grow in a greenhouse or outdoors.
Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm
Sat & Sun 9:00am - 5:00pm
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