• Viola Etain 3L pot

    Etain violet forms well-behaved clumps and blooms from time to time from spring through fall.

  • Viola Heartthrob 3L pot

    Striking, heart-shaped leaves with a large, burgundy centre and a lime green margin. Contrasting pink flowers appear in spring. Good ground-cover plant and is well suited to growing in containers, hanging baskets and bedding displays at the front of the border. Grow in moist but well-drained soil in partial shade.

  • Viola labradorica 3L pot

    A spreading. perennial with tiny flat-faced purple flowers in spring-summer. Height 2.5 - 5cm. Spread indefinite. Evergreen. Hardy.

  • Viola Rebecca Crawthorne 3L pot

    'Rebecca Cawthorne' is a compact, mat-forming, evergreen perennial with ovate, toothed, dark green leaves and, from late spring to late autumn, fragrant, white flowers with irregular, purple petal margins.

  • Viola sororia Dark Freckles 3L pot

    Light blue with violet speckles. Suitable for natural landscaping. Use for low maintenance plantings. Moderate self-sowing at suitable locations. Suitable for pot and planter. Attractive for butterflies and other pollinators. Deer resistant. Erosion control. Deer resistant. Easy to grow.

  • Viola sororia Freckles 3L pot

    A low-growing perennial with rounded dark green leaves. White flowers heavily speckled with violet-purple in spring and summer. Self-seeds freely. Height 10cm. Spread 20cm. Flowers from March to August. Herbaceous. Hardy.

  • Viola Sorority Sisters 3L pot

    A rare mixture of all the Viola Sororia Sorority colours ranging from white to dark blue and pale blue to red many being speckled as well. A lovely low-growing perennial, ideal for rockeries and shady borders.

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Our Opening Times

Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm

Sat & Sun 9:00am - 5:00pm

Any questions? Email us or give us a call on 01904 400092.