Royal purple befitting for the Queen. Vivid and long-lasting, these Hyacinths are exceptional in size and fragrance!
Hyacinth 'Sky Jacket' rewards gardeners with steely blue flowers in early to mid-spring. The plant grows 12 inches tall.
The Hyacinth 'Woodstock', an Autumn planted bulb, is an intriguing beauty! Its mysterious iridescent burgundy purple color makes it the centerpiece of the border. You will be impressed! Combine it with yellow Daffodils for a spectacular garden picture. Grow them in or outdoors for their graceful shape, long-lasting blooms and sweet scent. Hyacinths are great for indoor forcing, containers, and borders. They flower in mid spring for a 3 - 4 week period.
Hyacinth 'Yellow Queen' produces soft primrose yellow flowers. The colours are bright and lasting; size and fragrance are outstanding. Hyacinths can be used in many ways; in formal beds or groups or very effectively in informal ways-scattered in the border between ground covers and perennials or in small clumps in front of evergreens.Yellow Queen is excellent for window boxes.
Main Crop. Special Seed Potatoes. Distinctive Buttery Taste. Good Eaten Cold. Uses > Salad, Boil.
A small bulbous iris with cobalt blue flowers with deep Cambridge blue falls with a central yellow mark from late winter to early spring. Height 8-15cm. Spread 5cm. Flowers from February to March. Herbaceous. Hardy. Harmful if eaten.
Spring flowering dwarf Iris for planting in Autumn. Best grown at the front of a sunny border or in patio pots so that the beauty of the falls (the 3 outer petals) and the standards (the 3 inner petals) can be seen at close quarters. Flowers have a delicious honey scent. Flowers: February - March Height: 15cm / 6in.
A small bulbous iris with royal blue flowers with yellow central marks on the falls from late winter to early spring. Height 8-15cm. Spread 5cm. Flowers from February to March. Herbaceous. Hardy. Harmful if eaten.
A small bulbous iris with reddish purple flowers from late winter to early spring. Height 8-15cm. Spread 5cm. Flowers from February to March. Herbaceous. Hardy. Harmful if eaten.
A small bulbous iris with deep sky blue flowers with yellow and white marks on the falls from late winter to early spring. Height 8-15cm. Spread 5cm. Flowers from February to March. Herbaceous. Hardy. Harmful if eaten.
A small bulbous iris with delicately patterned flowers of blue with yellow and blue marks on the falls from late winter to early spring. Height 8-15cm. Spread 5cm. Flowers from February to March. Herbaceous. Hardy. Harmful if eaten.
A small bulbous iris with bright blue flowers in early spring. Falls are bright blue with orange marks. Height 15cm. Spread 5cm. Flowers from February to March. Herbaceous. Hardy.
A high yielding, medium early variety, producing good quality globe shaped bulbs. Good tolerance of botrytis and downy mildew.
For pricking out or potting-up young seedlings or rooted cuttings. This compost has a carefully balanced nutrient content to suit most young plants.
For general potting of most house plants and vegetable plants into medium size pots or boxes. Contains double the amount of nutrient in John Innes No.1 to suit established plants.
A richer mixture for final re-potting of gross feeding vegetable plants and for mature foliage plants and shrubs in interior planters or outdoor containers.
2kg when packed. Second Early. Basic Seed Potatoes. High Yield. Slug Resistant. Coloured Eye. Uses > Salads, Boil, Bake, Roast, Chip, Mash.
2kg when packed. Main Crop. Basic Seed Potatoes. Good Flavour. Floury Texture. Most Popular Potato. Uses > Bake, Roast, Chip, Mash.
Main Crop. Basic Seed Potatoes. Good Flavour. Floury Texture. Most Popular Potato. Uses > Bake, Roast, Chip, Mash.
2kg when packed. First Early. Basic Seed Potatoes. Very Early Garden Favourite. High Yielding. Eelworm Resistant. Uses > Salad, Boil, Roast.
The country's favourite liquid tomato and plant food. For tomatoes and flowering plants. With added seaweed extract to provide essential micro-nutrients. Produces top quality, full-flavoured tomatoes
Striking fiery red dwarf lily that sits upon dramatic upright stems with extraordinary dark green foliage. Height of up to 60cm. They are perfect for growing in pots or at the front of the border. 14/16cm bulbs. Flowers July to September.
Long stems with stunning, large, scented outward facing trumpets. Pink and cream throated flowers. Height 45cm.
Yellow flowers 60 cm high.
A very pretty pale pink Lily with deep pink-red freckles. They are a must have for fronts of garden borders or for growing in patio pots and containers. With the wonderful fragrance, they are often used for cut flower arrangements. Flowering from June to August and growing to a height of 45cm.
Mixed Colours. Height 28" / 70cm. Flowering July - August.
Double pink and white striped flowers. Height 90cm.
Long stems with stunning large, double white flowers. Height 90cm.
Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm
Sat & Sun 9:00am - 5:00pm
Any questions? Email us or give us a call on 01904 400092.