• Echeveria runyonii Topsy Turvey 9cm pot

    Perennial evergreen succulent. Clump forming producing freely offsets. Grey/green spatulate leaves. 8-12" across, 6-12" high. Fast growing. Restrict water in winter months. Good for container or scree garden.

  • Echinacea Aloha 3L pot

    Strong upright habit with well branched stems, each having one to six flowers. Prefers full sun, with free-draining soil or compost. Ideal for pots on the patio, in border fringes or raised beds.

  • Echinacea Cara Mia Yellow 3L pot

    This bright lemon-yellow Echinacea has double flowers that shine out in a sunny garden. The high crown count means vigor and flowering over a 5 month period.

  • Echinacea Dixie Sun 3L pot

    Golden yellow flowers that with light up the garden. A great upright compact habit, with loads of flowers on top of sturdy stems.

  • Echinacea Firebird 3L pot

    Compact size, and charming, red shuttlecock-shaped flowers with dark cones. Attracts butterflies in summer and seed hunting birds in the autumn. Prefers full sun, with free-draining soil or compost. Ideal for pots on the patio, in border fringes or raised beds.

  • Echinacea JS Stiletto 3L pot

    An attractive, upright, perennial coneflower variety growing to 70cm tall and producing magenta-pink blooms from July to October. Flowers have a prominent central orange cone surrounded by narrow, bright pink ray petals. Excellent as a cut flower.

  • Echinacea Julia 3L pot

    Compact, bushy plant with large, slightly drooping flowers. The tangerine-coloured petals lighten to a golden orange as they age. Prefers full sun, with free-draining soil or compost. Ideal for pots on the patio, in border fringes or raised beds.

  • Echinacea Kismet White 3L pot

    Snow-white petals surround tall gold-tinted cones that rise from green buttons. Daisy-like flowers glow against the dark green foliage. The compact, upright habit with large, long-lasting flowers heightens its appeal.

  • Echinacea Pow Wow White 3L pot

    Compact, free flowering. Sturdy stems bear white flowers with golden centre. Height 30-60cm. Spread 30-60cm. Birds love seeds from spent flowers.

  • Echinacea purpurea Chiquita 3L pot

    Large, round yellow flowers with golden brown centres on neat, compact plants, great for patio pots.

  • Echinacea purpurea Double Decker 3L pot

    A curious Purple Coneflower that will certainly attract attention! Large ‘cones’ are surrounded by a skirt of slender reflexed petals. From the second year onwards this hardy perennial produces a dainty ‘crown’ of extra petals on top of each bloom that give it a most intriguing appearance. A magnet for butterflies and pollinating insects making it ideal for wildlife gardens.

  • Echinacea purpurea Eccentric Yellow 3L pot

    Coneflower. Bright yellow double flowers, compact plants bear loads of golden yellow, pom-pom type blooms. Sturdy plants, quite floriferous and bloom from mid-summer through autumn.

  • Echinacea purpurea Green Twister 3L pot

    Coneflower. Bicolour petals are a mmix of vibrant purples with bright lime green tips and a dark centre. Ideal for border or patio containers and excellent cut flowers for the vase. Height 60cm. Flowers from June to September. Herbaceous. Hardy.

  • Echinacea purpurea Hot Papaya 3L pot

    Coneflower. An upright perennial with toothed, dark green leaves, dark stems and double headed hot orange pompon-like heads of petals blooming in summer and early autumn. Height 1.5m. Spread 45cm. Flowers from July to September. Herbaceous. Hardy.

  • Echinacea purpurea Lakota Yellow 3L pot

    Coneflower. Bright yellow double flowers, compact plants bear loads of golden yellow, pom-pom type blooms. Sturdy plants are quite floriferous and bloom from mid-summer through autumn.

  • Echinacea purpurea Papallo Classic Orange-Rose 3L pot

    Coneflower. An erect perennial with stout stems of large daisy-like flowerheads. Height 1.5m. Spread 45cm. Flowers from July to September. Herbaceous. Hardy.

  • Echinacea purpurea Pink Double Delight 3L pot

    Coneflower. An erect perennial with stout stems of large daisy-like flowerheads. Height 1.5m. Spread 45cm. Flowers from July to September. Herbaceous. Hardy.

  • Echinacea purpurea Prima Cinnamon 3L pot

    Fragrant, double cinnamon-red flowers on shorter stems. Plant habit is well-branched, strong and bushy, spreading wider than they are tall.

  • Echinacea purpurea Raspberry Truffles 3L pot

    Coneflower. An erect perennial with stout stems of large daisy-like flowerheads. Height 1.5m. Spread 45cm. Flowers from July to September. Herbaceous. Hardy.

  • Echinacea purpurea Sombrero Yellow 3L pot

    Large, pure yellow flowers with wider overlapping petals and a tawny centre cone. This compact plant is sturdy, well branched and produces many flowers from late summer into autumn.

  • Echinacea purpurea Tangerine Dream 3L pot

    Coneflower. Large, bright orange-red flowers held on quite long stems. A great plant partner to tall airy grasses and a rich colour addition to a sunny border. Height 60cm.

  • Echinacea Southern Belle 3L pot

    Vivid pink with a fully double, tight bun centre, surrounded by a horizontal rim of ray florets. The bun centre is accentuated by a darker eye. 80-100 cm high , Bee friendly

  • Echinacea Sunny Days Lemon 3L pot

    Sunny-yellow, fragrant double flowers with downward pointing petals. Height 45-60cm. Spread 60cm. Flowers from late spring through to summer. Prefers sunny position.

  • Echinacea Sunny Days Ruby 3L pot

    Has a lovely, light fragrance while being an exceptional heavy flowering variety. Medium, upright plants are covered in bright red flowers which perfectly contrasts its emerald green foliage.

  • Echinacea Sweet Sandia 3L pot

    The petals look like slices of watermelon with deep pink centres and light green edges. Flowers prolifically on a compact habit. An eye-catching addition to sunny summer borders. Herbaceous. Hardy.

  • Echinacea Tomato Soup 3L pot

    A vigorous, recently introduced cultivar, which flowers over a long period from midsummer. Emerging red the flowerheads mature to a bright red and grow up to 12cm across on the upright, branching stems.

  • Echinacea White Double Delight 3L pot

    This Echinacea sports a double flower with a tuft of petals in the center of each bloom surrounded by longer ray petals. Beautiful creamy white fading to green in the centre. 18-24 inches high and wide.

  • Echinops bannaticus Blue Globe 3L pot

    Globe Thistle. A clump-forming perennial with grey-woolly stems and grey-green leaves. Produces attractive, globe-shaped dark blue flowerheads. Height 1m. Spread 60cm. Flowers from July to August. Herbaceous. Hardy.

  • Echinops gmelinii Snow King 3L pot

    A striking form bearing a profusion of golf-ball sized white blooms, Jul-Sept. Attractive foliage dark green with silver grey undersides. Height 1-1.5m. Good for bees and butterflies. Well drained soil. Sunny position.

  • Echinops ritro 3L pot

    Globe Thistle. A clump-forming perennial with dark green leaves above white-downy beneath. Produces attractive, globe-shaped blue flowerheads. Height 45cm. Spread 45cm. Flowers from July to August. Herbaceous. Hardy.

  • Echium pininana Snow Towers 3L pot

    Undeniably an eye stopper, a magnificent inflorescence with dense panicles of white flowers borne above branches of dusty, silvery linear leaves, When in bloom, it is a magnet for bees and butterflies.

  • Edamame Green Shell 12-pack

    As easy to grow as French beans. Small pods contain green beans which can be cooked in the pods and popped out into the mouth to give a nutty flavoured snack.

  • Elaeagnus pungens Maculata

    A dense evergreen shrub with dark green leaves boldly marked dark yellow in the centres, silvery white flowers followed by brown ripening to red fruit. Height 2m. Spread 2m. Flowers from September to April. Hardy. Clip to size required annually.

  • Elaeagnus pungens Maculata Aurea

    Bushy evergreen shrub to 4m tall, with slightly spiny brown shoots bearing elliptical bright yellow leaves narrowly margined with dark green, small, fragrant white flowers in autumn.

  • Elaeagnus pungens Slim Silver

    A dense evergreen shrub with dark green leaves narrowly margined silvery cream silvery white flowers followed by brown ripening to red fruit. Height 2m. Spread 2m. Flowers from September to April. Fruits from October Evergreen. Yellow. Hardy.

  • Elaeagnus pungens Variegata

    A dense evergreen shrub with dark green leaves narrowly margined creamy yellow, silvery white flowers followed by brown ripening to red fruit. Height 2m. Spread 2m. Flowers from September to April. Fruits from October. Evergreen. Hardy.

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Our Opening Times

Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm

Sat & Sun 9:00am - 5:00pm

Any questions? Email us or give us a call on 01904 400092.