• Impatiens Sunpatiens Compact Red

    Basket or tub centrepiece. Red flowers and medium well-branched plant habit. 45cm.

  • Impatiens Sunpatiens Compact White

    Basket or tub centrepiece. White flowers and medium well-branched plant habit. 45cm.

  • Impatiens walleriana Beacon Bright Red

    Impatiens Beacon Bright Red will be smothered in warm-toned red petals giving a long season of colour to border and container displays.

  • Impatiens walleriana Beacon Coral

    Pretty coral-pink flowers adorn Impatiens Beacon Coral with bright green leaves accentuating the fabulous colour.

  • Impatiens walleriana Beacon Salmon

    Proven to have high resistance to Impatiens downy mildew. Bright, colourful petals over a long flowering season. Adaptable to shade, partial and full sun.

  • Impatiens walleriana Beacon Violet Shades

    Impatiens Beacon Violet Shades has a blend of vibrant tones of bright violet and burgundy-violet with mid-green foliage on moderately vigorous plants.

  • Impatiens walleriana Beacon White

    Pure white flowers adorn Impatiens Beacon White with mid-green foliage on moderately vigorous plants.

  • Imperata cylindrica Red Baron 3L pot

    Japanese Blood Grass. An attractive grass with narrow yellow-green leaves tipped with red in spring, by mid-summer the whole leaf is red. Height 45cm. Spread 30cm. Herbaceous.

  • Incarvillea delavayi 3L pot

    A perennial with basal. divided dark green leaves and tubular. trumpet-shaped deep rose-pink flowers produced in early to mid-summer. Height 60cm. Spread 30cm. Flower colour Pink. Protect from winter wet.

  • Indigofera heterantha Gerardiana

    An elegant shrub with arching branches of grey-green leaves and pea-like purple-pink flowers from early summer to early autumn. Height 2m. Spread 2m. Hardy.

  • Ipomoea Erato® Orange

    Blue Dawn Flower. A vigorous evergreen climber with heart-shaped black leaves. Abundant funnel-shaped flowers from late spring to autumn. Height 6m. Flowers from May to September. Evergreen. Not hardy. Harmful if eaten.

  • Ipomoea Solar Power Black

    This very decorative hang plant has a beautiful purple, almost black leaf. Especially beautiful decorative basket plant which contrasts can be reached in hanging baskets full sun or half shade.

  • Ipomoea Sweet Caroline Purple

    'Sweet Caroline Purple' has sumptuous, burgundy-purple leaves. The habit is low and moderately spreading. Excellent as a colourful and/or contrasting addition to summer baskets and containers, or in the garden beds.

  • Ipomoea Sweet Caroline® Bronze

    Dense herbaceous annual with a trailing habit of growth, eventually spilling over the edges of hanging baskets and containers. Its relatively fine texture sets it apart from other garden plants with less refined foliage. This is a relatively low maintenance plant.

  • Iris chysographes Black Form 3L pot

    A slender, delicate iris grown for its upright, small, black flowers, finely flecked in contrasting canary-yellow at its throat. Flowers May to July. It grows best in constantly moist soil and makes an eye catching feature in a sunny, boggy area of the garden, or beside water. Caution: Harmful if eaten.

  • Iris foetidissima 3L pot

    Evergreen Iris. An iris with bright dark green leaves and stems of dull purple flowers tinged with yellow in early summer. Large seed capsules split open to reveal scarlet seeds in autumn. Height 30-90cm. Spread 30-90cm. Flowers from June to July. Evergreen. Grows in dry or moist soil.

  • Iris germanica Blue Sapphire 3L pot

    Flowers are fan-shaped, with three drooping petals called falls and three upright petals called standards. Glaucous-green, sword-like fans of stiff upright leaves with some dying back in colder climates in winter.

  • Iris germanica Cimarron Strip 3L pot

    Lots of sword like leaves and masses of red and orange flowers in May and June. Height 70cm. Harmful if eaten.

  • Iris germanica Clarence 3L pot

    Fragrant soft blue flowers with white centres. A rebloomer (5-6 blooms per stalk) and vigorous grower. Flowers July - September. Forms a clump of green sword-shaped leaves. Height 90cm. Prefers full sun but will tolerate light shade. Well drained soil. Requires well-drained, loamy soil.

  • Iris germanica Consummation 3L pot

    Orris Root. A tall bearded iris with sword-like narrow grey-green leaves and stems with white flowers in late spring. Height 80cm. Spread 30cm.

  • Iris germanica Edith Wolford 3L pot

    Rhizomatous perennial to 1m tall, with fans of sword-shaped, greyish-green foliage. The highly ruffled flowers, produced in mid-to-late spring, have primrose-yellow standards and blue-violet falls, with orange beards.

  • Iris germanica Frappe 3L pot

    Upright spiky clumps support showy blooms. Blooms late spring to mid summer. Mature Height: 32-36 Inches.

  • Iris germanica Gong my Way 3L pot

    Orris Root. Large flowers with wide, deep violet purple brims on white background. Sword-like leaves are deciduous, pale green. Flowers appear usually from mid May on sturdy, about 90-95 cm tall stems.

  • Iris germanica Immortality 3L pot

    A bearded iris with sword-like narrow green leaves and stems of purest white flowers in May and June. Repeat flowering later in the summer. Height 80cm. Spread 45cm. Semi-evergreen.

  • Iris germanica Orange Chariot 3L pot

    Grey-green pointed strap-like leaves growing from a rhizome, which also produces flowers in a wide range of colours. The flowers have 3 falls (outer petals) and 3 standards (inner upright petals). Bearded irises are so called because the falls have soft hairs down the middle. Orange Chariot has apricot orange standards and falls, with a darker orange beard.

  • Iris germanica Red Zinger 3L pot

    Rich red petals range from bright and light to deep wine red, and the bloom is centred by bright orange stamen and yellow-orange beards.

  • Iris germanica Wine and Roses 3L pot

    Clear rose pink standards over violet purple falls edged rose pink. Beard is red-orange. This is in a class by itself. Blooms are ruffly and large and stalks are well branched. Has fertile pollen.

  • Iris laevigata Rose Queen 3L pot

    Rose Queen is a pale pink to lavender-pink iris with darker rose-pink stripes on the falls.

  • Iris pseudacorus

    Yellow Flag. A vigorous aquatic iris with ribbed grey-green leaves and stems of yellow flowers with brown or violet markings in mid to late summer. Height 1.5m. Flowers from July to August. Herbaceous. Hardy. Harmful if eaten.

  • Iris pumila Blue Denim 3L pot

    Light sky blue flowers with ruffled edges appear on sword-shaped foliage. Light blue and violet tints gives a denim look to petals. Blooms with the first warmth of spring.

  • Iris sibirica Black Joker 3L pot

    Compact, clump-forming, rhizomatous, deciduous perennial with upright, strap-like, dark grey-green leaves and, in summer, erect stems bearing flowers with pale blue styles, dull violet standards, and veined, dark reddish-purple to reddish-brown falls, yellow at the margins.

  • Iris sibirica Butter and Sugar 3L pot

    'Butter and Sugar' is a clump-forming perennial with narrow, leaves and stems to 80cm, bearing 2 white flowers, the standards with a yellow sheen, the falls flushed lemon yellow towards the centre.

  • Iris sibirica Caesar's Brother 3L pot

    Clumps of bushy leaves and tall stems of purple-blue flowers in early summer. Elegant. older style. Height 60-90cm. Spread 30cm. Flowers from June to July. Herbaceous. Hardy. Harmful if eaten. Happy in a sunny border or in a bog garden.

  • Iris sibirica Drink Your Tea 3L pot

    The flowers of this iris have fawn-coloured falls with a hint of apricot and are adorned luminous gold markings. Creamy white standards attract the eye and emphasize the blossom's unusual colour. Siberian Iris are easy and long-lived perennials for garden and landscape.

  • Iris sibirica Ginger Twist 3L pot

    Flowers in shades of deep yellow, cinnamon, creamy yellow, white, and lavender. Siberian irises have elegant, delicate flowers atop vertical columns of strap-like green foliage that look great all season long.

  • Iris sibirica Kaboom 3L pot

    Exotic looking, ruffled blousy blooms are produced during the summer with intriguing markings that have inspired many botanical artists over the years. Easy to grow, preferring moist soil in sun or part shade. Height 70-80cm (28-32). Spread 30-45cm (12-18). Fully hardy perennials.

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Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm

Sat & Sun 9:00am - 5:00pm

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