Here's some helpfull tips when planting your Trees: Soak the roots before planting : Avoid planting if there's a frost : Place your tree in a sunny/sheltered position. Help the roots to stimulate and establish more quickly by mixing in some farmyard manure.

Soil improver: organic soil improvers like farmyard manure open up the soils structure, breaking up heavy clay and helping free-draining soils hold on to moisture.

We can deliver trees within a 35 mile radius of the nursery.

  • Betula pendula Alba

    Silver Birch. Conical tree with peeling white bark, which becomes marked with dark rugged cracks at the base. Dark green leaves turn yellow in autumn. Yellow-brown catkins in spring. Height10-25m. Spread 7m. Deciduous.

  • Betula pubescens

    Downy Birch. Conical tree with pendulous branches. downy stems and peeling white bark. Diamond-shaped dark green leaves turn yellow in Autumn. Yellow-brown catkins in Spring. Height 20m. Spread 10m. Deciduous. Foliage colour Green. Hardy. Planting instructions Water thoroughly before planting.

  • Betula utilis Doorenbos

    Himalayan Birch. Conical tree with peeling. white bark. Dark green leaves turn yellow in autumn. Yellow-brown catkins in spring. Height 18m. Spread 10m. Deciduous. Hardy.

  • Betula utilis Grayswood Ghost

    White-barked birches. As the bark ages, it peels off, revealing new white bark underneath. Yellow-brown catkins appear in spring, and the glossy green foliage turns golden yellow in autumn. A lovely low-maintenance tree with year-round appeal. Height 15m. Spread 9m. Deciduous.

  • Betula utilis Jacquemontii

    Himalayan Birch. Conical tree with peeling. white bark. Dark green leaves turn yellow in autumn. Yellow-brown catkins in spring. Height 8m. Spread 5m. Deciduous. Hardy.

  • Betula utilis Jacquemontii

    Himalayan Birch. Conical tree with peeling white bark. Dark green leaves turn yellow in Autumn. Yellow-brown catkins in Spring. Height 8m. Spread 5m. Deciduous. Hardy.

  • Betula utilis Jacquemontii Multi Stem

    Himalayan Birch. Conical tree with peeling, white bark. Dark green leaves turn yellow in autumn. Yellow-brown catkins in spring. Height 18m. Spread 10m. Deciduous. Hardy.

  • Brahea armata

    Brahea armata has one of the bluest colours of any palm. This is due to a shiny, waxy covering to the leaves. It can tolerate freezes down to about -10°C (possible lower for short spells) as long as it is kept in very well-drained soil.

  • Broussonetia Papyrifera

    Paper Mulberry. Height 8m. Spread 8m.

  • Buxus sempervirens 1/4 Std

    Box topiary is a means of giving all year round structure and shape to the garden. Great in pots or tubs, equally happy in the ground in a formal or informal setting. Evergreen. Clip twice annually.

  • Callicarpa bodinieri var. giraldii Profusion

    Beauty berry. Deciduous shrub with bronze young foliage, clusters of pale pink flowers are followed by dark violet fruits in autumn. Height 3m. Spread 2.5m. Flowers from June to July. Fruits from September Deciduous.

  • Camellia japonica Black Lace 1/2 Std

    Common camellia. Erect shrub or small tree with luxuriant rich green foliage. Bears masses of showy, double, dark flowers mid to late spring. Evergreen. Hardy. Requires well drained lime-free soil.

  • Camellia sasanqua 1/2 Std

    Upright to spreading shrub or small tree with elliptic, oblong-elliptic of broad leaves to 8cm long, dark green above, paler beneath. Bears fragrant, single cup shaped flowers in in mid to late autumn.

  • Carpinus betulus

    Common Hornbeam. Elegant shaped tree with serrated ribbed leaves and characteristic grey fluted bark. Height 25m. Spread 20m. Deciduous. A great hedging plant in exposed locations.

  • Carpinus betulus

    Common Hornbeam. Elegant shaped tree with serrated ribbed leaves and characteristic grey fluted bark. Height 25m. Spread 20m. Deciduous. A great hedging plant in exposed locations.

  • Carpinus betulus Fastigiata

    Fantastic specimen tree. Elegant shaped tree with serrate ribbed leaves and characteristic grey fluted bark. Height 7m. Spread 2m.

  • Castanea sativa

    Sweet Chestnut. Vigorous large tree with spirally furrowed bark when old. Toothed glossy dark green leaves. Laden with yellowish green catkins in Summer. Edible fruit in Autumn. Height 30m. Spread 15m.

  • Castanea sativa-

    Sweet Chestnut. Vigorous large tree with spirally furrowed bark when old. Toothed glossy dark green leaves. Laden with yellowish green catkins in Summer. Edible fruit in Autumn. Height 30m. Spread 15m.

  • Catalpa bignonioides

    Indian Bean Tree. Spreading tree with broad heart-shaped large green leaves. Flowers are white, marked yellow and purple-brown on upright panicles followed by slender seed pods. Height 7m. Spread 5m. Flowers from July to August. Deciduous. Sunny position.

  • Catalpa bignonioides Nana

    Indian Bean Tree. Spreading tree with broad heart-shaped large green leaves. Flowers are white, marked yellow and purple-brown on upright panicles followed by slender seed pods. Height 7m. Spread 5m. Flowers from July to August. Deciduous. Sunny position.

  • Catalpa bignonioides Nana Std

    Indian Bean Tree. Spreading tree with broad heart-shaped large green leaves. Flowers are white, marked yellow and purple-brown on upright panicles followed by slender seed pods. Height 7m. Spread 5m. Flowers from July to August. Deciduous. Sunny position.

  • Ceanothus Trewithen Blue

    The biggest growing of the California Lilacs. Wide-spreading, large, evergreen shrub with toothed, dark green leaves. Masses of fragrant mid-blue flowers. Height 6m. Spread 8m. Flowers from April to June. Evergreen. Hardy. Sheltered Site.

  • Cedrus atlantica Glauca

    Blue Atlas Cedar. Spectacular bright silver-blue tree with sharply pointed needle-like leaves. Cones barrel-shaped green at first becoming brown. Ultimately a large tree. Height 30m. Spread 10m. Evergreen. Hardy.

  • Cedrus atlantica Glauca Pendula

    Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar. Spectacular bright silver-blue tree with sharply pointed needle-like leaves. Cones barrel-shaped green at first becoming brown. Ultimately a large tree. Height 6m. Spread 5m. Evergreen. Hardy. Completely lax habit. Stunning near water.

  • Cedrus atlantica Glauca Pendula 1/4 Std

    Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar. Spectacular bright silver-blue tree with sharply pointed needle-like leaves. Cones barrel-shaped green at first becoming brown. Evergreen. Hardy. Completely lax habit. Stunning near water.

  • Cedrus deodara

    Deodara Cedar. Beautiful large conical tree with spreading branches, pendant at the tips. Glaucous green needle-like leaves and barrel-shaped cones, green at first ripening brown. Height 30m. Spread 10m. Evergreen.

  • Cedrus deodara Aurea

    Golden Deodara Cedar. Beautiful small tree with spreading branches, pendant at the tips. Yellow needle-like leaves in spring becoming greenish-yellow later in the year and barrel-shaped cones, green at first ripening brown. Height 8m. Spread 3m. Evergreen. Hardy. Much smaller and slower growing than other varieties.

  • Cedrus deodara Feelin Blue

    A new hybrid blue coloured weeping cedar. A statuesque shapely tree that forms the principle piece in any garden. Eventual height 30m spread 15m.

  • Cedrus deodara Karl Fuchs

    Deodara Cedar. Beautiful large conical tree with spreading branches. pendant at the tips. Glaucous green needle-like leaves and barrel-shaped cones. green at first ripening brown. Height 30m. Spread 10m. Evergreen.

  • Cedrus libani

    Cedar of Lebanon. An elegant tree with wide-spreading branches, conical when young, flat-topped when old. Sharply pointed grey-green leaves. Barrel-shaped green-brown cones. Height 40m. Spread 10m. Evergreen.

  • Cephalotaxus harringtonia Fastigiata

    Cowtail Pine. Plum Yew. An erect form of this coniferous shrub, bearing sharp pointed dark green leaves. Height 5m. Spread 5m. Fruits from September Evergreen. Hardy. Sheltered Site.

  • Cercidiphyllum japonicum

    Katsura Tree. A deciduous tree with rounded, heart-shaped, green leaves, tinted bronze when young. Grown for its brilliant autumn colours of yellow, orange and red. Height 10m. Spread 5m. Deciduous. Hardy. Sheltered Site.

  • Cercidiphyllum japonicum

    Katsura Tree. A deciduous tree with rounded, heart-shaped. green leaves, tinted bronze. when young. Grown for its brilliant autumn colours of yellow, orange and red. Height 10m. Spread 5m. Deciduous. Hardy. Sheltered Site.

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Our Opening Times

Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm

Sat & Sun 9:00am - 5:00pm

Any questions? Email us or give us a call on 01904 400092.