Here's some helpfull tips when planting your Trees: Soak the roots before planting : Avoid planting if there's a frost : Place your tree in a sunny/sheltered position. Help the roots to stimulate and establish more quickly by mixing in some farmyard manure.

Soil improver: organic soil improvers like farmyard manure open up the soils structure, breaking up heavy clay and helping free-draining soils hold on to moisture.

We can deliver trees within a 35 mile radius of the nursery.

  • Cornus mas

    Cornelian Cherry Dogwood. Dark green leaves, which turn red- purple in autumn. Yellow flowers are produced in small umbels before the leaves appear and are followed by fleshy bright red fruit. Height 5m. Spread 2m. Flowers from February to March. Fruits from August.

  • Corylus avellana Kentish Cobb

    Hazelnut. An upright tree-like shrub with heart-shaped mid-green leaves. Bears yellow catkins late winter early spring. Produces edible hazelnuts in tubular husks ripening in autumn. Height 6m. Spread 5m. Deciduous.

  • Corylus colurna

    Turkish Hazel. A conical tree with oval dark green leaves, turning yellow in autumn. Bears yellow catkins late winter. Produces edible hazelnuts in deeply fringed husks in autumn. Height 10m. Spread 7m. Deciduous. Wonderful upright shape and great bark.

  • Cotoneaster cornubia

    A vigorous semi-evergreen tree with arching branches and glossy, dark green leaves. Large bunches of white flowers are followed by really large round, bright red or orange-red fruit. Height 6m. Spread 4m. Flowers from May to July. Fruits from August good in sun or shade. Fibrous rooted.

  • Cotoneaster hybrida Pendula

    A weeping tree with dark green leaves. Bunches of small white flowers are followed by deep red fruit. Height 3m. Spread 2-5m. Flowers from May to June. Fruits from August. Good to screen fences or eyesores in sun or shade. Semi-evergreen.

  • Cotoneaster lacteus

    A dense shrub with arching branches and deeply veined leaves, dark green above and white felted beneath. White flowers are followed by dark red, round fruit. Height 1.5m. Spread 1.5m. Flowers from May to June. Fruits from August. Evergreen.

  • Cotoneaster salicifolius Rothschildianus

    A half standard with arching branches and deeply veined semi evergreen leaves. White flowers are followed by cream yellow round fruit becoming pink tinged in Winter. Flowers from May to June. Fruits from August Evergreen. Superb for screening. A neat small tree.

  • Cotoneaster x watereri

    Half standard, semi-evergreen tree with arching branches and glossy, dark green leaves. Large bunches of white flowers are followed by round, bright red or orange-red fruit. Flowers from May to July. Fruits from August good in sun or shade. A great tree for a small garden and year round interest.

  • Crataegus Double White

    A rounded thorny tree with double white flowers from April to May. Fruits from June. Good in cold locations.

  • Crataegus laevigata Paul's Scarlet

    Midland Hawthorn. A rounded thorny tree with glossy mid-green leaves. Clusters of double scarlet flowers, followed by red or orange-red fruit. Height 8m. Spread 8m. Flowers from April to May. Fruits from June. Good in cold locations.

  • Crataegus laevigata Paul's Scarlet

    May. Midland Hawthorn. A rounded thorny tree with glossy mid-green leaves. Clusters of double scarlet flowers, followed by red or orange-red fruit. Height 8m. Spread 8m. Flowers from April to May. Fruits from June. Good in cold locations.

  • Crataegus laevigata Rosa Plena

    Midland Hawthorn. A rounded thorny tree with glossy mid-green leaves. Clusters of double white flowers, ageing to pink. followed by red or orange-red fruit. Height 8m. Spread 8m. Flowers from April to May. Fruits from June Deciduous. Hardy.

  • Cryptomeria japonica Elegans

    Japanese Cedar. A coniferous tree with soft bluish green young foliage turning red-brown in winter and brown female cones. Height 6-10m. Spread 2m. Evergreen. Hardy.

  • Cryptomeria japonica Globosa Nana Ball

    Japanese Cedar. A dwarf, dense, flat topped bush of slow growth. Needles of deep blueish green in summer turning rusty red in winter. Height 2-4'. Spread 2.5-3.5'. Plant in sun or part shade.

  • Cryptomeria japonica Vilmoriniana

    Japanese Cedar. A dwarf coniferous bush forming a dense globe with bright green leaves, turning reddish purple in winter. Popular for rock gardens. Height 1m. Spread 1m. Evergreen. Hardy. Sheltered Site.

  • Cupressocyparis leylandii Castlewellan Gold

    Leyland Cypress. A fast growing coniferous tree with plume-like sprays of yellow foliage. Evergreen. Hardy. Regular feeding and watering can mean growth of 75cm per year. Clip annually once desired height is reached.

  • Cupressocyparis leylandii Gold Rider

    A fast-growing coniferous tree with yellow foliage. Excellent for hedging. Plant 75cm apart. Evergreen. Hardy. Brilliant yellow foliage makes an uplifting evergreen screen.

  • Cupressocyparis leylandii Gold Rider 1/4 Std

    A fast-growing coniferous tree with yellow foliage. Excellent for hedging. Plant 75cm apart. Evergreen. Hardy. Brilliant yellow foliage makes an uplifting evergreen screen.

  • Cupressocyparis leylandii Gold Rider 1/4 Std

    A fast-growing coniferous tree with yellow foliage. Excellent for hedging. Plant 75cm apart. Evergreen. Hardy. Brilliant yellow foliage makes an uplifting evergreen screen.

  • Cupressus arizonica Fastigata Glauca

    Hardy conifer. Ice blue golden new growth foliage. Great for structure and shape within the garden. Evergreen. Great when clipped.

  • Cupressus macrocarpa Goldcrest

    Monterey Cypress. A narrow coniferous tree. Rich golden foliage with pointed plume-like sprays. Evergreen. Hardy. Sheltered site.

  • Cupressus macrocarpa Goldcrest

    Monterey Cypress. A narrow coniferous tree. Rich golden foliage with pointed plume-like sprays. Evergreen. Hardy. Sheltered site.

  • Cupressus macrocarpa Goldcrest Wilma

    Monterey Cypress. A narrow coniferous tree. Rich golden foliage with pointed plume-like sprays. Evergreen. Hardy. Sheltered site.

  • Cupressus sempervirens Totem

    Italian Cypress. A narrow almost pencil-like coniferous tree with dark green foliage and prickly brown cones. Height 10m. Spread 1m. Evergreen. Hardy.

  • Cupressus sempervirens Totem

    Italian Cypress. A narrow almost pencil-like coniferous tree with dark green foliage and prickly brown cones. Height 10m. Spread 1m. Evergreen. Hardy.

  • Cyathea cooperi

    Lacy Tree Fern.

  • Cycas revoluta

    A stunning palm that produces whorles of stiff green leaves that live for several years. Slow growing, ideal for the patio in summer and into the conservatory in winter.

  • Cycas revoluta

    A stunning palm that produces whorles of stiff green leaves that live for several years. Slow growing, ideal for the patio in summer and into the conservatory in winter.

  • Cydonia oblonga Vranja

    An attractive tree with beautiful rounded silver leaves and pretty green-pink flowers in spring. The large fragrant pear shaped fruits that follow ripen to a lovely shade of yellow and can be harvested from October. Freshly picked quinces are bitter and inedible, but once cooked they soften to make excellent jams and jellies and enhance the flavour of apple pies when a few slices are added before cooking.

  • Cytisus battandieri

    Pineapple Broom. An upright tree-like shrub with silvery grey leaves. Attractive upright, dense racemes of yellow. pineapple-scented flowers. Height 5m. Spread 5m.Flowers from July to August. Deciduous. Hardy. Sheltered Site.

  • Dasylirion serratifolia

    Evergreen shrub eventually forming a short trunk. Upright arching leaves with stiff architectural habit. Full sun and well drained situation. A wonderful plant for a gravel garden.

  • Davidia involucrata

    Handkerchief Tree. Ghost Tree. Dove Tree. An attractive conical tree with red-stalked, heart-shaped, mid-green leaves. In spring small flowerheads are surrounded by two white bracts, followed by greenish brown fruit. Height 15m. Spread 10m. Flowers from April to May. Fruits from June. Deciduous.

  • Dracaena indivisa

    Thick stemmed tree originally from New Zealand with branches at the top. Each branch bears a tuft of narrowly lanced shaped mid to light green leaves with red veins and suffused blue-white beneath. Bears cream flowers in summer. Height 6-10m.

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Our Opening Times

Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm

Sat & Sun 9:00am - 5:00pm

Any questions? Email us or give us a call on 01904 400092.