'Horatio' is a clump-forming, herbaceous perennial with finely-divided, mid-green leaves and upright, bronze, stems bearing loose panicles of tiny, cream flowers in early to midsummer.
Giant Reed. Stout stems of arching green and gold-striped bamboo-like foliage. Panicles of green to purple spikelets. Height 1.8m. Spread 60cm. Flowers from September to October. Herbaceous. Sheltered sunny site.
An erect clump-forming perennial prized for its brilliant clusters of vanilla-scented rose-pink flowers, which bloom continuously for weeks from midsummer to early autumn. Low maintenance, this perennial plant is generally pest and disease free. Deer resistant.
Asclepias can be evergreen or deciduous perennials or subshrubs, with simple, entire leaves and umbel-like clusters of small, distinctively shaped flowers followed by paired fruits containing seeds embedded in silky fibres. Attracts bees and butterflies. Low maintenance.
Beautiful deep rose flowers on tall strong stems. Good size flower heads which are loved by butterflies. USA native. Vanilla scented flowers.
A slow growing large shrub/small tree that is deciduous, with leaves turning yellow in autumn. Maroon, cup shaped flowers up to 5cm across are produced in late spring, followed by edible oval fruits. It is self-fertile, producing fruit in early autumn that has sweet flesh and few seeds.
Very early cropping (harvest mid March to mid June). Produces top quality, medium thickness spears. Suitable for both white and green production.
A late cropping variety for harvesting in July. A class leading hybrid developed for green spear production. Produces a high yield of straight spears, with tight heads. Excellent vigour. Good flavour.
A mid-early variety that produces very high yields of good quality, sweet, non fibrous spears. Vigorous growth with a high level of disease resistance.
A late season hybrid variety that produces super-sweet dark purple spears which are very low in fibre allowing for tip to butt consumption. Medium to large thickness spears.
A mid season hybrid which crops after Gijnlim and delivers similar high quality spears, allowing for greater continuity of supply. Attractive, cylindrical, smooth spears. Tips remain tightly closed even during warm weather.
Kings Spear. Clump-forming with narrowly triangular blue-green leaves. Attractive yellow flower spikes of yellow, striped green. Height 1.4m. Spread 30cm. Flowers from June to July. Herbaceous. Hardy.
Narrow leafed form of the Harts Tongue fern. Easy in most soils but happier on the limey side and tolerant of dry light shade.
Hart's Tongue Fern. Evergreen shuttlecock-like crowns of bright glossy green, often waved fronds heart-shaped at the base. Height 45-70cm. Spread 60cm. Evergreen. Hardy.
This will produce very uniform clumps of narrow silver, swards of foliage. Ideal Conditions: Prefers full sun, or partial shade with free-draining, but moist soil or compost. Possible Situation: Perfect for use as an architectural plant in a container or planted out in a raised bed or border situation. Resilience: Hardy Habit: Mound Forming. Height x Spread / Trail: 80 x 60 cm.
Clump forming perennial with green leaves. Height 25cm. Spread 45cm. Flowers from May to July. Herbaceous.
Large, soft, lilac-blue, daisy-like flowers with a summer sunshine, yellow centre. This is a real zinger, a good addition where space is at a premium but impact is essential. Prefers full sun with free-draining soil or compost.
Clump forming perennial with green leaves. Height 25cm. Spread 45cm.Flowers from May to July. Herbaceous.
Clump forming perennial with green leaves. Height 25cm. Spread 45cn. Flowers from May to July. Herbaceous.
Brilliant turquoise blue flowers with sunshine yellow centres over compact green foliage. Ideal Conditions: Prefers full sun, or partial shade with free-draining soil or compost. Possible Situation: Best used as a central feature in a tub or container, or for the mid border or raised bed.
Beautiful lavender jade blooms with sulphur yellow centers. Superb in September. Prefers full sun, or partial shade with free-draining soil or compost.
Brilliant purple flowers and compact green foliage. Prefers full sun, or partial shade with free-draining soil or compost.
Strong rose-purple blooms with a fine, almost filament looking properties to the petals. Prefers full sun or partial shade with free-draining soil or compost.
Also known as Michaelmas Daisies, these old favourites bloom from late summer into autumn with a multitude of elegant white, long lasting, daisy-like flowers.
Michaelmas Daisy. Clump forming bushy perennial with green leaves. Stems of mauve-blue flower heads. Height 30cm. Spread 45cm. Flowers from August to September. Herbaceous.
Upright, perennial with dark green leaves. Bears long lasting clear lavender-blue flowerheads on stout stems. Height 60cm. Spread 40cm. Flowers from July to September. Herbaceous. Hardy.
Rosy-pink daisy flowers on upright green foliage. Ideal Conditions: Prefers full sun, or partial shade with free-draining soil or compost. Possible Situation: Best used as a central feature in a tub or container, or for the mid border or raised bed.
This forms a mid-sized mound of green leaves, bearing loads of small, white yellow-eyed daisies from midsummer onward. Should not require pinching to control height. Long blooming and great for cutting.
Upright feathery plumes of mauve-purple flowers. Astilbe 'Black Pearls' is a late flowering variety with sturdy upright stems that make unusual cut flowers. The bright blooms contrast beautifully with its exceptionally dark green foliage, which forms a dense and leafy clump. This showy perennial enjoys a reliably moist soil, making a good choice for damp borders or planted next to a pond.
Carefree, easy plants bothered by few pests, Astilbe make a superb addition to semi-shade areas of the garden. They will tolerate full sun if kept properly moist. Mid to late season flowering stile has long, narrow, glowing red plumes with bronze foliage.
Vigorous perennial with handsome dark green foliage. Plumes of deep crimson-red flowers. Height 1m. Spread 50cm. Flowers from July to August. Herbaceous. Hardy.
Compact variety, bearing dark green/bronze leaves and masses of light pink flowers. It's perfect for growing towards the front of shady borders with other shade and moisture loving plants such as hostas and primulas.
A compact white astilbe with dense white plumes in summer. Ideal for small gardens.
Clump-forming perennial with handsome green foliage Open plumes of lilac-pink flowers. Height 90cm. Spread 60cm. Flowers from July to August. Herbaceous. Hardy.
Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm
Sat & Sun 9:00am - 5:00pm
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