An evergreen mound forming perennial producing dense clusters of bright yellow flowers over mid green foliage.
The large flowers are tubular funnel-shaped and open to rich orange and are produced in May and June. This deciduous Azalea is also noted for its good autumn leaf colour so bringing two seasons of colour to lightly shaded gardens.
Compact, rounded, evergreen shrub with small, narrowly ovate, glossy, dark green leaves and clusters of funnel-shaped, light orange-red flowers from late spring and early summer.
Compact evergreen shrub. Salmon pink flowers with paler shading in April. Acid soil only. Best in semi-shade but tolerates sun if moist at the roots. Height 1.80 to 2.50 metres. Spread 1 to 1.8 metres.
A stunning compact evergreen shrub with dark green oval foliage and white flowers in May / June. Grows well in moist well drained acidic soil in sun or partial shade.
'Daviesii' is a deciduous azalea of open habit, with bluish-green leaves and buff buds opening to fragrant white flowers with a yellow flare, at first tinged pink, in late spring and early summer
An abundance of fuchsia pink blooms with a lovely perfume appear throughout May. As autumn approaches the glossy green leaves turn to rich maroon red. Rhododendron 'Jolie Madame' forms a medium sized shrub, which makes an excellent specimen plant for brightening up acid borders.
Beautiful dark red flowers with yellow anthers. An excellent introduction from Hans Hachmann in Germany. Flowering in early June. Height 125-150cm in 10 years.
Vivid yellow single blooms with reddish orange blotch are enormous with each floret nearly three inches across. Showy flowers deserve close up inspection in high profile areas of the garden. Create a long range focal point with this immense variety. Exceptional in Asian inspired gardens. Late season. Prefers acidic soil. Deciduous shrub. Full to partial sun. Moderate growth 6 to 8 feet tall, 4 to 6 feet wide.
Deciduous shrub with deep green leaves, and red new growth. In late spring it has bright red flowers tinted orange.
Compact habit, a dwarf rhododendron shrub. White coloured flowers in May. Acid soil. Good in sun or light shade.
Hardy neat compact azalea with a spreading habit and pure white small semi-double flowers with frilly margins. Mildly scented flowers are borne on showy dense clusters throughout May ahead of the foliage which emerges and remains silvery light green until the Autumn. Colourful autumn hues of red and orange leaves before winter.
Trailing green foliage. Masses of white flowers all summer. Wonderful in baskets and tubs.
Mound-forming hardy subshrub with white woolly stems and heart shaped yellowish grey-green leaves. Small white-pink funnel-shaped flowers. Height 60cm. Spread 75cm. Flowers from July to August. Evergreen.
Sweet lemon scented with striking golden-yellow foliage and discrete flowers attractive to bees.
Green and yellow variegated foliage with a wonderful lemon fragrance. Ideal Conditions: Ideal for any conditions, but with free draining soil or compost. Possible Situation: Suitable for herb bowls, pots, baskets, herb gardens and rockeries.
White pea-like flowers in June, often flecked white or cream. False indigo is perfect for a well-drained border or a dry, sunny bank. Resist the temptation to cut the plant back in autumn since the seed-pods and slender stems look wonderful frosted in the winter garden.
Small leaved variety with leaves roughly half the size of sweet basil. Used chiefly for seasoning - flavour increases on cooking. Height 40 - 60 cm. Annual. Used as companion plant to grow alongside tomatoes to repel insects and aid growth.
Compact strain with tiny leaves and strong flavour. Height 25 - 30 cm. Annual.
Small, quite pretty plant with pinky mauve flowers and deep purple stems. Delicious scent and flavour. Superb in all types of oriental cooking.
Attractive, lemon scented plant with medium sized foliage and pink flowers. Adds a citrus flavour to salads, soups and fish dishes. Annual.
A good quality vigorous red Genovese type Basil. Excellent flavour, with good leaf shape and colour.
Large shiny green leaves used for making pesto, flavouring soups and fruit preserves. Height 35 - 40 cm. Annual.
Distinctive looking houseplant with a swollen thick brown stem at its base that stores water. The long narrow curly, dark green leaves flow up from this base much like a plume of water in a fountain.
An excellent improved Boltardy variety. The round roots have a smooth skin and good internal colour and texture. Slow to bolt. Ideal for early and maincrop sowings .
Traditional Italian globe shaped beetroot with deep pink skin and stripey pink and white flesh with a sweet flavour. Leaves have a mild flavour and can be used in salads or stewed.
Produces high quality, uniform, round roots with intense colour. Keeps its flavour in storage. Ideal for main and late crops.
Excellent deep red beetroot which can be used as a baby beet or grown on as a main crop. Sweet tasting smooth flesh.
Upright begonia with a riot of scarlet flowers.
Upright begonia with delicate white flowers.
Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm
Sat & Sun 9:00am - 5:00pm
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