• Anemone hupehensis Elite Pure White 3L pot

    Vigorous, erect perennial with mid-green leaves. Single white flowers, pink tinged on reverse with golden yellow stamens. Height 1.2 - 1.5m.

  • Anemone hupehensis Fantasy Pocahontas 3L pot

    Rich pink blooms appear in late summer and continue on through the autumn over neat and compact foliage. Slug resistant. Prefers moist well-drained soil in sun or part shade. Height 30-45cm. Spread 30cm. Fully hardy perennial.

  • Anemone hupehensis Prinz Heinrich 3L pot

    Windflower. Erect perennial with suckering shoots, dark green leaves. Flowers semi-double dark pink. Height 80cm. Spread 40cm. Flowers from August to September. Herbaceous. Great colour in late summer particularly in light shade.

  • Anemone hupehensis September Charm 3L pot

    Windflower. Erect perennial with suckering shoots, dark green leaves and pale pink flowers. Height 80cm. Spread 40cm. Flowers from August to September. Herbaceous. Hardy.

  • Anemone x hybrida Honorine Jobert 3L pot

    Vigorous, erect perennial with mid green leaves. Single white flowers. Pink tinged on reverse with golden yellow stamens. Height 1.2 - 1.5 m.

  • Anemone x hybrida Queen Charlotte 3L pot

    Windflower. Erect perennial with pale pink double flowers. Height 80cm. Flowers from August to September. Herbaceous.

  • Anisodontea capensis Lady in Pink

    Racemes of cup shaped pink flowers. Height 80cm. Spread 60cm. Flowers from June to September. Evergreen. Protect from frost.

  • Antennaria aprica Alba 9cm pot

    Prostrate silvery foliage with the occasional white flower. A fantastic creeping beauty. Prefers full sun, or partial shade with very free-draining, sandy soil or compost.

  • Antennaria rosea 9cm pot

    Perennial wildflower with silver-grey small basal leaves and deep pink to white clusters of flowers that resemble a cat.

  • Anthemis tinctoria Lemon Ice 3L pot

    Creamy yellow daisy flowers, with glorious yellow eyes, attract numerous pollinators such as bees and hoverflies. The foliage is slightly aromatic as you would expect from the Chamomile family, green and finely dissected.

  • Anthemis x hybrida E C Buxton 3L pot

    Branching stems of attractive lemon-yellow flowers. Clump-forming. Free flowering perennial. Leaves mid-green above and grey beneath. Height 80cm. Spread 80cm. Flowers from May to September. Semi Evergreen. Hardy.

  • Anthurium andraeanum Pink Explosion

    Evergreen house or conservatory plant. Rich green leaves, pink flowers. Keep warm and well lit. Stunning flowers last for several weeks each.

  • Anthurium andreanum Aristo

    Evergreen house or conservatory plant. Rich green leaves, pink flowers. Keep warm and well lit. Stunning flowers last for several weeks each.

  • Antirrhinum majus Antrinca Rose

    A range of new, fragrant Snapdragons which have the same strong flowering performance of traditional varieties, but with large blooms that will easily catch the eye when they appear in abundance from June to late summer. They make superb cut flowers. Height 30-40cm.

  • Antirrhinum majus Candy Tops F1 White

    Candy Tops is a show stopper with strong and full spikes that hold up for better shipping and ultimate retail appeal. An abundance of blooms on dwarf plants means constant colour. Plus, sweet fragrance.

  • Antirrhinum majus Dazzling Lips Sunset

    An abundance of strong, stately stems that are full of elaborate, eye-catching blooms during spring and early summer. Flowering above the lush green foliage for several months. Dazzling Lips are perfect for adding a stunning splash of colour to your borders and containers.

  • Antirrhinum majus Snapshot F1 Pink

    Trailing antirrhinum. Mixed flowers and soft variegated foliage. Very useful for hanging baskets or containers. Will last all summer if dead-headed.

  • Antirrhinum majus Snapshot F1 White

    Trailing antirrhinum. Mixed flowers and soft variegated foliage. Very useful for hanging baskets or containers. Will last all summer if dead-headed.

  • Aquilegia flabellata pumila Atlantis 9cm pot

    Dreamy, sky-blue flowers with white spurs in the centre - a subtle combination for this herbaceous perennial. Prefers full sun, or partial shade with free-draining soil or compost.

  • Aquilegia winky Double Red and White 3L pot

    Mildew tolerant series, produces loads of up-facing blooms held just above a bushy, compact mound of lacy leaves. The plants are uniform in habit and height with strong stems. This variety features double red and white flowers, blooming spring to early summer.

  • Arabis alpina caucasica Alabaster 9cm pot

    Clusters of tiny, pure white flowers with yellow eye accents are held like clouds above dark green foliage. A round, compact habit and exceptional flowering longevity making this an outstanding spring flowering plant. Prefers full sun with free-draining soil or compost.

  • Arabis alpina caucasica Angvine 9cm pot

    An absolutely stunning hardy alpine with frilled, golden foliage and gorgeous pink flowers that appear in spring and the start of summer. Prefers full sun, or partial shade with free-draining soil or compost.

  • Arabis alpina ssp caucasica Variegata 9cm pot

    Rock cress. Mat-forming evergreen with loose rosettes of toothed green leaves margined pale yellow with white flowers. Height 15-20cm. Spread 60cm. Flowers March to May. Evergreen. Hardy.

  • Arabis blepharophylla Barranca Fruhlingszauber 9cm pot

    'Fruhlingszauber' is a mat- or cushion-forming, short-lived, evergreen perennial with loose rosettes of oval, toothed, hairy-edged, dark green leaves and erect stems bearing compact racemes of purple-pink flowers in late spring and early summer.

  • Arabis ferdinandi-coburgi Old Gold 9cm pot

    Rock Cress. Mat-forming evergreen with flat rosettes of golden green leaves with white rim. White flowers. Height 15-20cm. Spread 60cm. Flowers from March to May. Evergreen. Hardy.

  • Arabis Little Treasure White 9cm pot

    Little Treasure White' (mountain rock cress) is a compact variety of this popular perennial rock plant forming an evergreen mound covered for weeks in spring with fragrant white flowers. Attractive to bees.

  • Arabis procurrens Variegata 9cm pot

    Rock Cress. Mat-forming evergreen with rosettes of toothed green leaves, margined white. Loose racemes white flowers. Height 10cm. Spread 40cm. Flowers from March to May. Evergreen. Hardy.

  • Aralia cordata Sun King 3L pot

    Herbaceous perennial with striking, golden-green foliage and sprays of white flowers in mid and late summer. It prefers a moist, well drained soil in partial shade, and the bold architectural form and bright colour of the foliage adds life to shady areas.

  • Arbutus unedo

    Strawberry Tree. A shrubby evergreen tree with interesting red shedding bark. Small white pink tinged flowers with red strawberry like fruits in autumn. Height 8m. Spread 8m. Flowers from August to September. Evergreen. Hardy. Sheltered Site.

  • Arctotis Heidi

    Lovely tender bedding plant. It produces a long succession of apricot-orange flowers above grey-green, silvery foliage. With good weather resistance, this is a choice plant for the summer border or container, mixing well alongside many other plants.

  • Arctotis Holly

    Luxurious deep-red flowers emerge in summer over a mound of silvery-green foliage. With good weather resistance, this is a choice plant for the summer border or container and looks good alongside many other plants.

  • Arenaria montana 3L pot

    Sandwort. Low-growing evergreen, greyish, green leaves, cup-shaped white flowers. Height 5cm. Spread 40cm. Flowers from May to June. Evergreen. Hardy.

  • Arenaria montana 9cm pot

    Sandwort. Low-growing evergreen. greyish green leaves. cup-shaped white flowers. Height 5cm. Spread 40cm. Flowers from May to June. Evergreen. Hardy.

  • Arenaria montana Lemon Ice 9cm pot

    A ground hugging alpine which produces a cushion of green leaves, bearing masses of vanilla-white slightly trumpeted flowers during the spring. Prefers full sun, or partial shade with free-draining soil or compost.

  • Arenaria montana Ronda 9cm pot

    Sandwort. Low-growing evergreen, greyish green leaves, cup-shaped white flowers. Height 5cm. Spread 40cm. Flowers from May to June. Evergreen. Hardy.

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Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm

Sat & Sun 9:00am - 5:00pm

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