• Astelia Silver Spear

    Clump-forming perennial producing attractive silver foliage. Long stalked panicles of yellowish flowers. Female plants bear orange berries. Height 1.2m. Spread 2m. Flowers from March to April. Evergreen. Frost hardy. Sheltered Site.

  • Aster alpinus 9cm pot

    Clump forming perennial with green leaves. Height 25cm. Spread 45cm. Flowers from May to July. Herbaceous.

  • Aster alpinus Goliath 9cm pot

    Large, soft, lilac-blue, daisy-like flowers with a summer sunshine, yellow centre. This is a real zinger, a good addition where space is at a premium but impact is essential. Prefers full sun with free-draining soil or compost.

  • Aster alpinus Happy End 3L pot

    Clump forming perennial with green leaves. Height 25cm. Spread 45cm.Flowers from May to July. Herbaceous.

  • Aster alpinus Happy End 9cm pot

    Clump forming perennial with green leaves. Height 25cm. Spread 45cn. Flowers from May to July. Herbaceous.

  • Aster Autumn Jewels Aqua Compact 3L pot

    Brilliant turquoise blue flowers with sunshine yellow centres over compact green foliage. Ideal Conditions: Prefers full sun, or partial shade with free-draining soil or compost. Possible Situation: Best used as a central feature in a tub or container, or for the mid border or raised bed.

  • Aster Autumn Jewels Granat 3L pot

    Beautiful lavender jade blooms with sulphur yellow centers. Superb in September. Prefers full sun, or partial shade with free-draining soil or compost.

  • Aster Autumn Jewels Purple Diamond 3L pot

    Brilliant purple flowers and compact green foliage. Prefers full sun, or partial shade with free-draining soil or compost.

  • Aster Autumn Jewels Rose Crystal 3L pot

    Strong rose-purple blooms with a fine, almost filament looking properties to the petals. Prefers full sun or partial shade with free-draining soil or compost.

  • Aster dumosa Apollo 3L pot

    Also known as Michaelmas Daisies, these old favourites bloom from late summer into autumn with a multitude of elegant white, long lasting, daisy-like flowers.

  • Aster dumosa Lady in Blue 3L pot

    Michaelmas Daisy. Clump forming bushy perennial with green leaves. Stems of mauve-blue flower heads. Height 30cm. Spread 45cm. Flowers from August to September. Herbaceous.

  • Aster frikartii Monch 3L pot

    Upright, perennial with dark green leaves. Bears long lasting clear lavender-blue flowerheads on stout stems. Height 60cm. Spread 40cm. Flowers from July to September. Herbaceous. Hardy.

  • Aster Island Bahamas 3L pot

    Rosy-pink daisy flowers on upright green foliage. Ideal Conditions: Prefers full sun, or partial shade with free-draining soil or compost. Possible Situation: Best used as a central feature in a tub or container, or for the mid border or raised bed.

  • Aster Starshine 3L pot

    This forms a mid-sized mound of green leaves, bearing loads of small, white yellow-eyed daisies from midsummer onward. Should not require pinching to control height. Long blooming and great for cutting.

  • Astilbe arendsii Amethyst 3L pot

    Clump-forming perennial with handsome green foliage Open plumes of lilac-pink flowers. Height 90cm. Spread 60cm. Flowers from July to August. Herbaceous. Hardy.

  • Astilbe chinensis Black Pearls 3L pot

    Upright feathery plumes of mauve-purple flowers. Astilbe 'Black Pearls' is a late flowering variety with sturdy upright stems that make unusual cut flowers. The bright blooms contrast beautifully with its exceptionally dark green foliage, which forms a dense and leafy clump. This showy perennial enjoys a reliably moist soil, making a good choice for damp borders or planted next to a pond.

  • Astilbe Glut (Glow) 3L pot

    Carefree, easy plants bothered by few pests, Astilbe make a superb addition to semi-shade areas of the garden. They will tolerate full sun if kept properly moist. Mid to late season flowering stile has long, narrow, glowing red plumes with bronze foliage.

  • Astilbe Red Sentinel 3L pot

    Vigorous perennial with handsome dark green foliage. Plumes of deep crimson-red flowers. Height 1m. Spread 50cm. Flowers from July to August. Herbaceous. Hardy.

  • Astilbe Rheinland 3L pot

    Compact variety, bearing dark green/bronze leaves and masses of light pink flowers. It's perfect for growing towards the front of shady borders with other shade and moisture loving plants such as hostas and primulas.

  • Astilbe Short 'n Sweet Whiteberry 3L pot

    A compact white astilbe with dense white plumes in summer. Ideal for small gardens.

  • Astilbe x arendsii Astary Rose Red Shades 3L pot

    Clump-forming perennial with handsome green foliage. Open plumes of bright pink flowers. Height 90cm. Spread 60cm. Flowers from July to August. Herbaceous.

  • Astilbe x arendsii Burgundy Red 3L pot

    Clump-forming perennial with handsome green foliage. Long lasting plumes of deep red flowers heads during summer. Flower-heads turn brown and remain on the plants into the autumn. Ideal for soils that remain moist all summer.

  • Astilbe x arendsii Colour Flash 3L pot

    Soft pink flower spikes. Leave change to light green in summer. Red edged foliage. Vigorous and floriferous plant.

  • Astilbe x arendsii Drum and Base 3L pot

    A dense carpet of fern like foliage surrounding handsome feathery plumes of bright pink flowers. This vigorous performer is a compact, semi-dwarf variety that is very hardy and pest resistant.

  • Astilbe x arendsii Look at Me 3L pot

    Light pink flower plumes borne on red stems during the summer. Faded flower-heads turn brown and remain on the plants into the autumn.

  • Astilbe Younique Ruby Red 3L pot

    Early season bloomer; very compact foliage with upright ruby-red plumes, very floriferous; blooms early summer.

  • Astrantia Florence 3L pot

    Delicate, papery flowers which are held on wiry stems above attractive deeply lobed, mid-green leaves.

  • Astrantia major Rubra 3L pot

    Hattie's Pincushion. Clump-forming perennial with lobed green leaves. Attractive deep rose-red flowers. Height 60cm. Spread 45cm. Flowers from June to June. Herbaceous. Hardy.

  • Astrantia major Star of Beauty 3L pot

    Hattie's Pincushion. Clump-forming perennial with lobed green leaves. Attractive deep rose-red flowers. Height 60cm. Spread 45cm. Flowers from June to June. Herbaceous. Hardy.

  • Astrantia Purple Happiness 3L pot

    A beautiful compact variety with small dark purple flowers on top of dark stems. It has a long flowering period.

  • Astrantia Roma 3L pot

    Delicate, papery, soft-pink flowers which are held on wiry stems above attractive deeply lobed, mid-green leaves. This delightful masterwort is a vigorous variety with a much longer flowering period than most pink or red varieties.

  • Astrantia Ruby Star 3L pot

    A clump forming perennial with dark green leaves with dark-red flowers on branching stems. Works well in both a modern and cottage garden scheme. Performs best in heavy clay soils.

  • Astrantia Sparkling Stars Red 3L pot

    Upright, clump-forming, herbaceous perennial with palmate, deeply lobed, mid-green leaves and, in summer, erect, branching stems bearing umbels of tiny, dark red to reddish-purple flowers surrounded by prominent, lance-shaped, maroon bracts.

  • Astrantia Superstar 3L pot

    A classic cottage garden flower, this astrantia has large white and green pincushion flowers surrounded by a white ruff. Foliage is dark green and deeply lobed. It does best on a moist soil. The dried flowerheads can be used in arrangements or left on the plant to provide interest through into autumn.

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Our Opening Times

Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm

Sat & Sun 9:00am - 5:00pm

Any questions? Email us or give us a call on 01904 400092.