Pink Sandwort. Cushion-forming evergreen, dark green leaves, attractive star-shaped deep pink flowers. Height 5cm. Spread 40cm. Flowers from May to June. Evergreen. Hardy.
Rounded sub-shrub with grey-green leaves. Daisy-like cream flowers tinged with apricot. Flowers from May to September. Not hardy. Suitable for basket and containers.
Rounded sub-shrub with grey-green leaves. Daisy-like cream flowers tinged with apricot. Flowers from May to September. Not hardy. Suitable for basket and containers.
Rounded sub-shrub with grey-green leaves. Daisy-like white flowers with yellow centres. Flowers from May to September. Not hardy. Suitable for basket and containers.
Rounded sub-shrub with grey-green leaves. Daisy-like white flowers with yellow centres. Flowers from May to September. Not hardy. Suitable for basket and containers.
A small bushy marguerite ideal for the patio or tubs. White daisy like flowers all summer. Not quite hardy.
Rounded sub-shrub with grey-green leaves. Daisy-like pink flowers with yellow centres. Flowers from May to September. Not hardy.
Rounded sub-shrub with grey-green leaves. Daisy-like red flowers with yellow centres. Flowers from May to September. Not hardy.
Rounded sub-shrub with grey-green leaves. Daisy-like white flowers with yellow centres. Flowers from May to September. Not hardy.
Rounded sub-shrub with grey-green leaves. Daisy-like pale yellow flowers with yellow centres. Flowers from May to September. Not hardy.
Upright, mounded plants with long-lasting deep pink flowers. Well-branched plants with abundant blooms attract butterflies to the garden.
Upright, mounded plants with long-lasting white flowers. Well-branched plants with abundant blooms attract butterflies to the garden.
Upright, mounded plants with long-lasting yellow flowers. Well-branched plants with abundant blooms attract butterflies to the garden.
Upright, mounded plants with long-lasting deep pink flowers. Well-branched plants with abundant blooms attract butterflies to the garden.
Upright, mounded plants with long-lasting deep pink flowers. Well-branched plants with abundant blooms attract butterflies to the garden.
Upright, mounded plants with long-lasting red flowers. Well-branched plants with abundant blooms attract butterflies to the garden.
Sea Pink.Thrift. Cushion-forming with linear. hairy. grey-green leaves. bears purplish pink to white flowerheads. Height 5-8cm. Spread 15cm. Flower colour Pink. Flowers from May to June. Evergreen. Foliage colour Green. Grey. Hardy.
Sea Pink. Thrift. Cushion-forming with linear, hairy, grey-green leaves, bears pure white flowerheads. Height 5-8cm. Spread 15cm. Flowers from May to June. Evergreen. Hardy.
Sea Pink. Thrift. Cushion-forming with linear, hairy, grey-green leaves, bears deep rose-pink flowerheads on short stems. Height 5-8cm. Spread 15cm. Flowers from May to June. Evergreen. Hardy.
Sea Pink. Thrift. Cushion-forming with linear dark green leaves, bright pink flowerheads. Height 20cm. Spread 30cm. Flowers from May to June. Evergreen. Hardy.
Sea Pink. Thrift. Cushion-forming with linear dark green leaves, bright pink flowerheads. Height 20cm. Spread 30cm. Flowers from May to June. Evergreen. Hardy.
Cushion-forming with linear dark green leaves, white flowerheads. Height 20cm. Spread 30cm. Flowers from May to June. Evergreen. Hardy.
Sea Pink. Thrift. Cushion-forming with linear dark green leaves. Bright pink flowerheads. Height 20cm. Spread 30cm. Flowers from May to June. Evergreen. Hardy.
Sea Pink. Thrift. Cushion-forming with linear dark green leaves. bears pink white or red-purple flowerheads. Height 20cm. Spread 30cm. Flower colour White. Pink. Purple. Flowers from May to June. Evergreen. Foliage colour Green. Hardy.
Common Horseradish. Clump-forming perennial with long puckered dark green leaves rising from the fleshy roots. Panicles of white flowers May to August. Height 1m. Spread 40cm. Herbaceous. Use roots to make peppery tasting sauce.
Perennial bushy herb belonging to the daisy family, native to the Old World. It grows up to 1.5m/5ft tall and has narrow leaves and small green-white flower heads arranged in groups. Tarragon contains an aromatic oil as leaves are used to flavour salads, pickles and tartar sauce, anise flavour.
French Tarragon has narrowly lance-shaped, aromatic leaves and small, pale-yellow flowerheads in late summer.
Thread-like, silvery leaves. Foliage is soft and feathery, quickly growing into a billowy mound about 24" tall and 36" wide.
Dwarf, evergreen perennial with green/white variegated, deeply incised leaves. Useful in rockeries & winter tubs or baskets. Sun or light shade. Any soil.
Silver Mound. A great form of this well known Artemisia. Rounded mounds of frilly grey foliage spill and creep if allowed.
Dusty Miller. Creeping perennial with silvery white leaves. Clusters of yellow flower heads. Height 30-60cm. Spread 60cm. Flowers from June to July. Semi evergreen. Hardy.
The standard green headed variety reaching up to 170cm in height. Attractive large blue thistle like flower heads. Pick heads before flowering. Usually start cropping after two years. Crops for four years.
A purple globe artichoke, similar to Green Globe in habit but with a finer flavour and attractive large purple thistle-like flower heads.
Goatsbeard. Perennial with very finely divided, fern-like leaves. Nodding creamy white flowers on arching stems. Height 90cm. Spread 45cm. Flowers from May to July. Herbaceous. Hardy.
Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm
Sat & Sun 9:00am - 5:00pm
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