• Acer palmatum Oridono-nishiki

    Acer ‘Orido-nishiki’ has pretty cream and pink variegated leaves in spring, which darkens to pink, white and green in summer. It’s well suited to growing in small gardens, and may also be grown in a large pot. 3m x 3m.

  • Acer palmatum Osakazuki

    Japanese maple. A large tree with bright green deeply lobed leaves turning bright red in autumn. Height 6m. Spread 6m. Deciduous. Hardy. Sheltered Site.

  • Acer palmatum Pink Passion

    Variegated light and dark pink leaves which can have hints of cream and pale green amongst them. A fairly new introduction it has an open spreading habit ultimately reaching 2 or more metres high. Great as a focal plant either in the ground or container. One of the best pink leafed Acers for summer colour.

  • Acer palmatum Pixie

    Compact, upright, deciduous shrub or small tree with palmate leaves divided into five deeply-cut, dark reddish-purple leaves, reddish-pink in spring and turning bright red in autumn. Insignificant green flowers in spring are followed by winged, red seed pods.

  • Acer palmatum Sango-kaku

    Japanese maple. Coral bark maple. Attractive coral-red stems in winter, deeply lobed green leaves, orange-red in spring then leaves turning a soft yellow in autumn.

  • Acer palmatum Sango-kaku

    Japanese maple. Coral bark maple. Attractive coral-red stems in winter, deeply lobed green leaves, orange-red in spring then leaves turning a soft yellow in autumn.

  • Acer palmatum Seiryu

    Japanese maple for the patio. Finely cut verdant green leaves. Stunning autumn colour of fiery reds and oranges. Later attractive bark to trunk.

  • Acer palmatum Shaina

    Japanese maple for the Patio. A petite, slow growing Japanese maple. Forms a compact globe of small red leaves that turn maroon in the Summer. Height 4 - 5 ft.

  • Acer palmatum Shaina 1/2 Std

    Japanese maple for the Patio. A petite, slow growing Japanese maple. Forms a compact globe of small red leaves that turn maroon in the Summer. Height 4 - 5 ft.

  • Acer palmatum Shiana

    Japanese maple for the patio. A petite, slow growing Japanese maple. Forms a compact globe of small red leaves that turn maroon in the summer. Height 4-5ft.

  • Acer palmatum Skeeter's Broom

    'Skeeter's Broom' is a compact, upright, multi-stemmed, deciduous tree or shrub with deeply divided, palmately lobed foliage that is red in spring and red-maroon in summer and ruby red in autumn.

  • Acer palmatum Skeeter's Broom 1/2 Std

    'Skeeter's Broom' is a compact, upright, multi-stemmed, deciduous tree or shrub with deeply divided, palmately lobed foliage that is red in spring and red-maroon in summer and ruby red in autumn.

  • Acer palmatum Stella Rossa 1/2 Std

    A graceful weeping tree that tolerates full sun. Bright red spring foliage ages to darker red then burgundy over summer before fiery reds and orange come to the fore in autumn. A small tree 3-5 feet in ten years.

  • Acer palmatum Wilson's Pink Dwarf

    'Wilson's Pink Dwarf' is an upright, rounded, deciduous shrub or small tree with deeply lobed and serrated palmate leaves that unfurl pink or pink-red in spring, turn bright green by summer and bright red or orange in autumn. Height 1.5m. Spread 1m

  • Acer pseudoplatanus Brilliantissimum

    Sycamore. Yellow-green pendent flowers followed by red winged fruit. Height 30m. Spread 25m. Deciduous. Hardy.

  • Acer rubrum October Glory

    Red maple. An upright large tree with glossy dark green leaves turning red in autumn. In spring the bare branches have small red flowers. Height 20m. Spread 10m. Deciduous. Hardy.

  • Acer shirasawanum Moonrise

    Glorious autumn colour. The foliage turns from a pale green in the summer slowly into a rich red and cerise in the autumn. Red winged seedpods develop and ripen in the autumn. Deciduous shrub.

  • Acer x freemanii Jeffers Red

    Deciduous. A beautiful tree that will reach a height of 12m plus, grown mainly for its striking rich red autumn colour. A reliable Acer which performs well on UK soils. Quick growing and stunning autumn colour.

  • Achillea ageratum English Mace 9cm pot

    Mace. A spreading aromatic perennial with grey-white leaves. Yellowish white loose flowerheads produced in summer. Height 60cm. Spread 60cm. Fresh green foliage and pretty white flowers. Good in pots or in a bed.

  • Achillea King Alfred 3L pot

    A low growing Achillea with silver foliage with sulphur-yellow flowers that appear in spring. Prefers full sun, or partial shade with moist soil or compost. Ideal for bed edges, rock gardens, banks, walls and containers.

  • Achillea millefolium Milly Rock Red 3L pot

    Compact bushy variety of Achillea ideally suited to pots and containers has a myriad of bi-coloured deep red flowers with striking yellow button centres make an eye-catching display.

  • Achillea millefolium Milly Rock Rose 3L pot

    Compact bushy variety of Achillea ideally suited to pots and containers has a myriad of bi coloured rose flowers with striking yellow button centres make an eye-catching display.

  • Achillea millefolium Milly Rock Yellow Terracotta 3L pot

    Compact bushy variety of Achillea ideally suited to pots and containers has a myriad of bicoloured terracotta yellow flowers.

  • Achillea millefolium Terracotta 3L pot

    Yarrow. A compact clump forming perennial with evergreen silvery grey leaves. Dusky Orange fading to yellow flower heads. Height 80cm. Spread 60cm. Flowers from May to September.

  • Achillea ptarmica Ballerina 3L pot

    An unusual Yarrow with fabulous double, white pompom like flowers from June to September. Very good for cutting and drying.

  • Achillea ptarmica Marshmallow 3L pot

    Yarrow. Sneezewort. A perennial with dark green finely cut leaves. Bears double white flowerheads. Height 1m. Spread 60cm. Flowers from June to September. Hardy.

  • Aconitum napellus 3L pot

    Monkshood. An upright perennial with dark green leaves. Dense spikes of indigo-blue flowers. Height 1.4m. Spread 40cm. Flowers from July to September. Hardy. CAUTION toxic if eaten.

  • Acorus calamus Variegatus

    Sweetflag. An aquatic plant with thick creeping rhizomes. Sword like upright green leaves striped white and cream. Height 80cm. Spread 60cm. Flowers from May to June. Herbaceous. Hardy.

  • Acorus gramineus Ogon 3L pot

    Japanese rush. A semi-evergreen aquatic with fans of glossy, narrow, variegated leaves striped with pale green and cream. Height 20cm. Spread 15cm. Semi-evergreen. Hardy.

  • Actaea ramosa Pink Spike 3L pot

    Member of the Ranunculaceae family. A clump-forming perennial with black pinnate leaves and pink spike forming flowers Jul-Sep. Height 60cm. Spread 40cm. Herbaceous.

  • Actaea simplex Atropurpurea 3L pot

    Member of the Ranunculaceae family. A clump-forming perennial with black pinnate leaves Pink spike forming flowers Jul-Sep. 60cm. Spread 40cm. Herbaceous.

  • Actaea simplex Brunette 3L pot

    A 'must-have' for a woodland garden. Deeply dissected purple leaves and stems contrast wonderfully with arching spiked flowers. No staking needed.

  • Actinidia deliciosa Solo

    Chinese gooseberry, Kiwi fruit. Vigorous woody stemmed climber. Heart-shaped leaves, bearing cup-shaped white flowers followed by edible, hairy, brown fruits. To obtain fruits both male and female plants must be grown. Height 10m. Flowers from June to July. Deciduous. Hardy. Sheltered Site.

  • Actinidia deliciosa Solo

    Chinese gooseberry. Kiwi fruit. Vigorous woody stemmed climber. Heart-shaped leaves, bearing cup-shaped white flowers followed by edible, hairy, brown fruits. To obtain fruits both male and female plants must be grown. Height 10m. Flowers from June to July. Deciduous. Sheltered Site.

  • Aechmea cylindrata Blue Rain

    Epiphytic plant, requires no soil, evergreen, house plant for warm places. The warmer the site the more moisture required. In growing season apply dilute feed monthly. Blue and red flower spikes last for several months.

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Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm

Sat & Sun 9:00am - 5:00pm

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